sleep! AGEN! RANT!


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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ive just woke up from a nap and i feel even worse than before, my back is killin and ive lost abit more of that stupid yucky plug thing i have a head ache and im a grumpy cow lol.
not sleepin very well still.....and i bet its not alot different for everyone else is it?
sposed to be goin pictures tonight but i cnt be botherd! how bad is that?
and its our ante natal class tomorrow night and im really excited but oh is whingin sayin we dont need to go. hes an idiot! lol.
winge over!
I completely sympathise with you. I have been finding it difficult to sleep at all through the night and when I get back from doing the school run I try my hardest not to drop off, but I do, then I feel rubbish for the rest of the day and can't sleep again at night.

I have to make sure hubby phones me at lunchtime in case I have dropped off and wake up to late to pick Jamie up from school :wall:

Hope you perk up a bit soon :hug:
Babylicious said:
:hug: :hug: :hug: I'm a grump cow if I sleep during the day too

me too... but it just gets the better of me now.. I get to a point where I just seem to pass out...

Any time I wake up I feel like I've been hit by a train... I just hurt :cry: And its always the heartburn that finally gets me motivated to get up or throw up... and its not even like its "sleep" like what normal people get... its that fractured dozing sorta thing, that actually does nothing but makes you feel crappy.

And I've got another 4 weeks of this at least :wall: :wall: :wall:

As for going to the cinema... We've wanted to go a few times, but considering I can't go half hour without peeing at the moment and can never get comfy... sitting in a cinema sounds like some form of torture.... :rotfl: :rotfl:
sitting in a cinema sounds like some form of torture....
LOL my thoughts exactly!
i went on friday with my sisters and their oh's and i sat there for half an hour n then i went all hot n dizzy and was sick and had to leave hahaha, very embarasing but i rly liked the look of the film so im attempting it again. hopefuly this time will go better xx
jodie_honey said:
sitting in a cinema sounds like some form of torture....
LOL my thoughts exactly!
i went on friday with my sisters and their oh's and i sat there for half an hour n then i went all hot n dizzy and was sick and had to leave hahaha, very embarasing but i rly liked the look of the film so im attempting it again. hopefuly this time will go better xx

Oh god that's horrible :hug: :hug: :hug: I also get nauseous with the smell of cooking popcorn since getting pregnant... so a cinema isn't really the best place to be... :rotfl:
hehe i go to bed about 11am and get up at 8am. I have nooooo trouble sleeping, i am dead on my feet and fall asleep instantly and dont wake to use the loo either, i'm to tired to wake up for that. Chasing Isla round all day and working 10 hours a day finish me off.

However in the morning i have to run to the toilet at 100 mph...... :rotfl:

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