Slap time again girls..........


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2012
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I canny stand this I need to get a grip its only 5 days till 12 week scan and Im driving myself insane grrrrrrrrrr

Some days Im ok then I over think things and worry that Ive moved wrong, ate something i shouldnt, drank something I shouldnt

If Im kept occupied im usually fine and dont think too much about it all. Every little twinge or feeling I get Im thinking "whats that", sickness goes away im worrying. I would be quite happy to be sick for the whole nine months just to know minion is still there xx
Aww, I'm sure if you've got this far everything will still be fine now. 5 days seems like forever when you're desperate for something. I hope it passes quickly and everything goes well. X
Aw hun I'm sure all is perfectly fine. It's such a worrying time but when you see your wee baby in 5 days it'll all melt away and you can relax a little. Make sure and share your scan pics with us! Xxx
Thanks girls

I know deep down everything is fine Im still tired an feeling/being sick just seems ages since i got the scan date through

Dont worry I will be sharing pics with you girls hopefully on the MOnday if not defo Tuesday as hubby and I are going to Ediburgh for the night to see Spamalot theatre show xx
Aw it's normal to worry hon I'm exactly to same and I still have 2 weeks to wait!

I'm sure it'll all be fine. Looking forward to the pics xxx
Aw it's normal to worry hon I'm exactly to same and I still have 2 weeks to wait!

I'm sure it'll all be fine. Looking forward to the pics xxx

Thanks Looby, I should be grateful for the scan only being 5 days away as know some of you girls are waiting ages for yours

Had a chat with a friend earlier and told him he was to feel free to slap me if I became too much of a nightmare and he said the same as you girls that everything will be fine and after its past I can relax and tell everyone

Hey dear. Is your scan on Monday too? Sure you'll be absolutely fine. I'm the same - so paranoid that I'm.not being sick. Hmm. I'm never happy! Lol xx

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