Skin to skin when baby is born

jj, i was thinking the same about the nappy thing!!!! im a bit confussled on how it all works to be honest, like do you try and feed straight away, then put a nappy on or what? do you go have a bath and if so where does baby go? and what if baby cries the whole time youre in the bath and stuff? seriously confusing, well i guess ive never done it so dont genuinely know, would just like to paint a general picture to be honest x
As far as I can remember what happens is:
Baby arrives and is put skin to skin for a short while. Then the midwives take baby to weigh, check agpar score and I think they put a nappy on-I don't remember doing it. Then you get baby back all cleaned up and wrapped in blanket. After you've delivered placenta and had any stitches if necessary they encourage you to go for a shower, leaving baby with your birthing partner. The only bit I'm skipping here is where the breast feeding fits in as I didn't bf! X gtg
thanks so much Helen 123, just curious as i am intreigued to be honest! looking forward to the shower bit afterwards already and im only half way there! haha. so did they give baby a bottle or did you? x
I am hoping to labour in water so would be stripped anyway. However I may be convinced to birth in water because the shower goes over the birthing pool so could clean off really quickly afterwards while they check baby over and I thought this may be more comfy.

Anybody laboured or had a water birth?
I am actually planning on a water birth, just thinking ahead to incase I can't and stuff x
Good thread flexilexi!

I was thinking about an old t-shirt for labour but was thinking about the skin-to-skin thing. Reckon I'll get myself down to Primark for a nightie with buttons.
Yeah SMP I think I'm doing that too! Can't wait to start packing my stuff and sorting out my room in preparation! Looking forward to having a baby to be honest! Haha xx
Ye im planning a water birth n was just gonna wear a bikini top or just get naked I dont suppose ill care much. But will get a nighty with buttons if for some reason I have to have baby in the hospital. The midwife run centre im wanting to go to looks amazing, they give you a lavander bath before you go into birthing pool and have aromatherapy burning whilst giving birth just hope I can go. x
Wow biddy you sound reeeeallly lucky! Bet my hospital isn't like that!! I want that sort of birth lol we don't really have a midwife led centre. Yeah if I labour in water I'd rather just have bikini top on I think!! It's hard to imagine the dignity thing cos I imagine myself feeling quite embarrased about everyone there seeing me completely naked but hey I guess the main part they are looking at is your bits and that's what we would rather have covered up! Guess we have all this to come x
O think I'd rather be anked in a birthing pool than on a bed though. Am very body shy and i know the door to the birthing pool suit opens directly to the bed :/
I wore a long sleevless nightie during labour then ended up with an emergency section so they cut it off me and I ended up naked on the operating table at first although the put a gown on me as they were stitching me up then transferred me to the recovery room where they helped pull the gown down at the front so I could have skin to skin.
I had alot of skin to skin (most of the day and night) cos DS was blue on delivery and he had a heated cot but was better to be in the covers skin to skin with me to regulate his temperature...was so scared of cooking him though lol. I remember this little wrinkly thing in a hugh pampers CUTE!!!
ahh i really am looking forward to the part where i can just cuddle my baby. bet that feeling is amazing! xx

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