skin gone mad?!!


Active Member
Jan 21, 2009
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Is anyone else finding that their skin is breaking out?! I have always suffered from spots but I am the spottiest I have been in a long time. The breakouts are around my mouth area, chin and forehead! bleh!!! I am going to ask the doctor tomorrow if there is anything I can use which is safe....for the meantime I am a 30 year old who feels about 15 again! nice!

Ah yet another hormonal joy of pg... they should clear up a bit in tri 2 :lol: sorry I can't be more encouraging than that :(
Oh no! That's not good. Thankfully my skin's not been too bad, just the odd spot or two. Witchhazel's good for spots, they do a spot stick which I often use.

I took pills for my skin before getting PG but I can't take them anymore. My skin is a state and I'm having to take wipes everywhere with me! I'm exfoliating once a day and its still a state!


But I'm just going to stick with it and hope that it settles down.
I dont get many but when I get one its mount everset on my chin and it drives me crazy!!!!
I find savalon is the only thing that works for me as everything else makes me sore!
I look like a teenager again... but not in a good way!! Hopefully the spots will dry up soon!!
As much I don't want anyone to get is nice to know that I am not alone!!! lol! I hate being spotty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tis affecting me too! 33 going on 13, except I have never really ever had any spots. I am suffering too on my forehead and round my mouth!!! I just slap my Clinic foundation over them and deny deny deny!!!

:wink: :wink: :wink:
oh my goodness! ...i have bad spots at the mo and actually for the past 2 months or so. They are big and sore by my hairline near my fore head in 1 patch down the side of my face and all over my back and shoulders.
They keep going to white heads. Ive been putting stuff on them but they dont shift, they go down but flare up again, and i do
Im having my haircut and coloured tomoz and im so embarassed cos you can see them, they are really red.
When i went through puberty i literally had like 3 spots over that hold period now its acne breakout.nightmare.
I especially look a freak with it down one side of my face! you have to laugh otherwise youll cry! :(
Ha! Bex I do exactly the same thing....mac foundation galore!!! but yes mine are big and red, some are like lumps rather than white head spots....really painful!
I will let you all know what the doctor says tomorrow, there must be something that can help that won't be harmful to baby!

it's official guys...we are all members of the spot club! lol :lol: I agree you have to laugh!
On the plus side my mum had terrible skin before and during pregnancyt...and then after she had my brother (1st child) all cleared up and she never suffered from acne again! I am praying this will be me really can ruin your self confidence especially when it is around your mouth.

oh and I had my hair cut today too and felt ashamed..espcially when she washed my hair because it rubbed my make-up off my forehead! lol
Ok so in short as I thought there is nowt we can do about it! He just said that it should get better in the 2nd trimester!!! (hope so!!)

Heather :wave:
Hey everyone, I've been on a constant break out i think since about 5 days after i conceived and nothing seems to work, most of my face is clear its just my chin and around my mouth which seems the hardest to cover :( But i have seemed to get them on my back (never had before) has this happened to anyone else?

Oh well only another few weeks and it should clear? Well i hope! But if anyone has any miracle cures please pass then around!
Hi Heather

Have sent you a PM. check out your messages!

From one spotty muldoon to another!!

:wave: :wave:
Hey Ladylil, yes i have had them all over my back for weeks now and the back of my shoulders and some of them are really sore.
They just keep coming up.
Yesterday i had my haircut and coloured and i just wanted to die when they pinned my hair up to cut some of it as they could see them and the ones on my face.
im hoping they will dissapear soon as they arent very attractive at all.
Hi Fairym I'm just thankful that its winter and i can cover my back with nice big jumpers! Hopefully it will all clear up by the summer and we can wear nice floaty maxi dresses

I had awful ones from about 6wks to 9wks - they just wouldn't go away and went all nasty despite me plying savlon on them etc.

The rumours seem to be true though - although I've still got one or two, they're no where near as bad now I'm in Tri2.
doh!..i cant wear maxi dresses im too no hope for me :rotfl:
yup, mine is worse than i ever remember it being as a teenager. I have spots all around my chin and on my neck! :doh:

I use distilled witchhazel which comes in a bottle and is a great toner and cleanser. really cheap too!

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