Jackson used his from 3m with encouragment. He could hold it fine himself.
I didnt fill it right up though. Although he did intermittently not bother with it. They are still having milk and food. Its just good to get them in the habit.
Id mainly give him water at meal times. Still do. He likes milk before bed and in the morning. Then the rest of the day he has diluting or water with food and sometimes if hes been good and having a wee snack he has strawberry milk.
Dont be alarmed if baby doesnt take to it right away, they tend not to bother too much and dont drink cups of it like we would.
Mw recomend they come off of their bottles at 1. Jackson uses his sometimes even now if hes not well usually. But from he wakes up till he goes to bed everything is in the strawcup, previously sippy. Id usually give morning and bed bottles then cup for everything else if you can.
Like I say Jackson still sometimes wants his bottle but Im not overly fussed because his speech is perfect, teeth are fine and he didnt have a dummy so, go with whats right for your baby.
When teeth start coming through they say not to give milk at bed in a bottle cause of the sugar but thats not till a bit later on.