Sinking Feeling

If it's any consultation the same thing happened to me and I eventually had an epu scan as it was an 8.4 week one (they were even able to unofficially confirm dates) it was an internal scan- I don't know if the same would apply to you but it really isnt anything to worry about and I'll keep my fx that all goes ok and you see a sticky bean xxx
I have my scan tomorrow to Hun fx we are both fine xxx
bless I think it s natural to worry for the whole 9 months I am a wreck ! i had a scan at 11 weeks and 13 weeks the next nhs is not till i am 21 weeks! so i booked a sexing scan for tommrow but it s for peace of mind til april !!! best of luck hun hugs x
Thanks everyone, I've never been so stressed in my life I can feel my heart beating out of my chest, I wanted my BP checked but didn't want to come over all hypocondriac on her!

I just can't shake this feeling that something is wrong, and I'm hoping and praying for the first time in my life that Im wrong.

And for everyone's sake I wish the spotting would bloody stop (no pun intended) it really isn't good for ones health.

I just don't know how I'll cope if I go tomorrow on my own and its all over :cry: I have no family here so I have no one :-(
awww bless u sweety is there no way oh half can go ! I am sure you will b fine stay strong honey
Thanks everyone, I've never been so stressed in my life I can feel my heart beating out of my chest, I wanted my BP checked but didn't want to come over all hypocondriac on her!

I just can't shake this feeling that something is wrong, and I'm hoping and praying for the first time in my life that Im wrong.

And for everyone's sake I wish the spotting would bloody stop (no pun intended) it really isn't good for ones health.

I just don't know how I'll cope if I go tomorrow on my own and its all over :cry: I have no family here so I have no one :-(

Can OH not come along hun?

Any friends you can take??

I am sure it will all be fine, bless you for fretting so much though!

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best of luck for tomorrow tweets, and hope you wont be alone even though I am sure its all gonna be just fine! xx
Lots of luck for tomorrow, we are all wishing for the best I am sure everything will be fine and you will be able to feel settled xx
Onec you get a bee in your bonnet no sweet talk will work - the only way i felt reassured is by having a scan in the early stages like you & my doppler was my life line. Which i am sure you will invest in a doppler onec your 11wks ? :) there good for when you have days like this.

Bet your buzzin now that you dont have to pay for a private scan - you can go buy your self somthing nice with that £50 you won chick :)

Nhs epu are really supposed to scan you if you are pregnant & feeling no symptoms.

I wanted a reassurence scan one time with my 2nd pregnancy & i remember the nurse saying we can only scan you as a emergancy in epu if you have lost all pg symptoms or have pains. So its really not good that epu fobbed you off - no wonder your dr got straight on the phone.

Symptoms come & go - one day you will have none & then the following day you could be so ill you feel officially chained to the toilet because of constant being sick.

Goodluck tomorrow hun - cant wait too see your pic of your little baby bean :)

oh no. I bet hubby feels awful. Can you not drag one of your shift along for moral support? x
They are nightshift Lynds I wouldnt ask x hubbie is a teacher he can't abandon his class it sucks

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