Sinking Feeling


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2011
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This morning I've woken up with a horrible heart stopping, stomach sinking feeling that something is wrong, and I've text DH demanding another private scan.

I've gone from being fine to not being able to move out of proper fear that something is wrong.

I had one bit of spotting last night, which I suppose has spooked me, even though I've had it all through my pregnancy, but then I started looking at my symptoms, my boobs aren't that tender anymore, the sickness has stopped and I'm less tired. I'm proper freaking out and dunno what to do :wall2:

I know that everyone will say, its ok, spotting is normal, symptoms come and go which Im trying to tell myself, but I cannot get rid of this "instinct" feeling
If you can afford a scan, go for it. Nothing will reassure u like ur baby can xx
I hope you get the scan soon and get some reassurance. Let us know how it all goes :)
Oh I know exactly what you mean hun I've got it too and its horrible! Like a feeliIng of impending doom! I feel like my good luck has lasted this long and it must be due to run out, how stupid is that. I had funny pulling/tugging cramps last night really low down, only mild and for a few minutes but its still freaked me out. Sounds like your spotting has just made you worry which is understandable but hun think positive, you have had spotting before and all has been fine :) I think its just a really common thing in tri 1 tho hun and the only light at the end of the tunnel is that we should be in tri 2 very soon and I don't think tri 2 will be anywhere near as scary.

Defo book a private scan, you can't put a price on your sanity and peace of mind :) have you got stuff to keep you busy today hun take your mind off it a bit? Xxx
Go for another scan sweetie and put your mind at rest.

Remember how convinced you were a few weeks back that something was wrong?? Well it wasn't was it? :)

Chin up darling, no sense worrying until you have something to worry about.

Other ladies frequently comment on here about symptoms coming and going...

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Get a scan, get the reassurance you need and relax!!! If it's any consolation, you know how ill I have been? I woke up this morning with the joys of spring! I feel great, no nausea nothing!! You'll be fine xx
What the others have said. Go for a scan to put your mind at rest. Fx for you hun. Sure everything will be fine - symptoms sometimes just feel less and bub is fine xxx
I was just the same up until i had my first scan, even then it didn't completely reassure me because now i'm scared something will be wrong on my next scan :(

Why are we so paranoid?!
Spoke to DH - he's against booking a private scan. But is being very good in trying to reassure me, I'm not going to push the issue over the phone.

I'll see how I feel as the day goes on, but I'll maybe talk to him later about getting a private scan ... I won £50 on work lottery and that would cover half the cost?

Doesn't help that I'm nightshift this week and probably wont see him as I have to leave before he comes home

Stupid stupidness - its crap ... and my NHS scan isn't till 13 weeks which is also crap.

On a positive note there has been no more bleeding, the blood last night was dark red/brown and for me it seemed like a lot compared to what I've had (like the start of a period) but I've had no cramps and no signs of anything being wrong other than gut instinct.
Spoke to DH - he's against booking a private scan. But is being very good in trying to reassure me, I'm not going to push the issue over the phone.

I'll see how I feel as the day goes on, but I'll maybe talk to him later about getting a private scan ... I won £50 on work lottery and that would cover half the cost?

Doesn't help that I'm nightshift this week and probably wont see him as I have to leave before he comes home

Stupid stupidness - its crap ... and my NHS scan isn't till 13 weeks which is also crap.

On a positive note there has been no more bleeding, the blood last night was dark red/brown and for me it seemed like a lot compared to what I've had (like the start of a period) but I've had no cramps and no signs of anything being wrong other than gut instinct.

I wouldn't advocate doing anything to cause problems in your relationship but I'd push the issue hun.... You stressing and fretting isn't good for the little bean and I think that although your OH is against the idea you do need to get your point across.

If it were me, and I am a cowbag sometimes - I'd book a scan anyway and tell my OH he can either come or not come :shock: :shock:

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Oh hun I know that feeling all too well. I hope you and baby are ok. Surely your GP will refer you for a scan if there's been spotting and you're so worried? Its worth a shot to maybe book in with GP and see xxxx

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I have an appt with my GP about my back injury, I'll speak to him then and see if I can get a private scan. I already think I'm preparing myself for the worst. I just don't feel pregnant anymore. Its a difficult feeling to explain.

Sent a text to hubby saying that if doc doesn't refer me for a scan I'm booking a private one (in the nicest possible way) ... hopefully he wont be too annoyed ... but men just don't get it unfortunately
hey tweets hope you are ok. It sounds like maybe you have a bit of the pre-baby blues! I have gone through a stage of just wanting everthing to stop. But am over it now. All my symptoms have also gone, its just the stage we are at hun. Over the worst!

my boobs only hurt if i roll over too quickly at night and they flop over my shoulders (thats what it feels like, lol!) and i am SO constipated I spent 40mins in the loo at work sweating what the hell I was gonna do cause was stuck in there! if ya know what i mean. Put it this way, that was midday, and I still feel like I need to sit on a rubber ring i am still throbbing that much!

but for peace of mind get another scan done, it will just stop ya stressing out if nothing else.

sure all is gonna be fine..........xx
Spoke to OH last night, and after finding out that he spent money on something that we didn't need for at least 2 years (apparently it was a bargain) I demanded a scan in the nicest possible way.

I've one booked for tomorrow at 5pm
That's so good that you've got one booked. Let us know how it goes :)
Excellent news - good luck for later sweetie

Just been to doc about my back, she could tell I was really stressed out and asked why.

I told her about the spotting and told her that EPU fobbed me off .. so she went "I'm phoning them!" and had me an appt for tomorrow morning in less than 3 minutes. Proper amazing she was.

So now I'm panicking that I'm going to have to go on my own and something might be wrong ... its poop. Haven't slept a wink in two days now, wish I just knew the answer to all of this. Thinking of phoning in sick to work tonight as I just can't face it.

Will see how I feel later.
Oh sweetie, you poor thing.

I hope you have a resolution tomorrow and I hope OH can come with you.

It's crap that what is supposed to be such a joyous time is so fraught with worry and angst? I hope from tomorrow onwards you can begin to relax and enjoy this


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