silly sling / mei tei ? questionn

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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do u need 2 people to get baby in there lol

love the idea of slings etc but could i use it ok if ive noone to help me get in ?

is there a better one for using when ya own ya own ?

Ring sling is easy to sort of slide baby into....I can get Ruby in and out easily, even if she wriggles. I find Mei Tei harder, OH has to help me
I've got a ring sling which my husband uses but I don't get on with, a Babyhawk mei tai and a Moby wrap. The Moby arrived only yesterday and because my baby was wailing I popped her in it straight away by myself. She was extremely happy in it for about 3 hours and went to sleep. She was very dozy when she came out of it and was very chilled for the rest of the evening. Both the mei tai and the wrap take a little bit of practice, but are not too difficult to use by yourself.

I got lots of advice from here
thanks girls ! suppose when im still worried about handling a bbay to see how they went in a sling was impossible lol
I can use any sling on my own and i mostly wear Thea on my back. It just takes practice hun.
ours aint a sling but we got a 2way baby carried from argos ot was £16.99. oh didnt wanna pay £48 or whatever it was in mothercare for one and i dont blame him lol. i was looking at ones for "20 then i saw one with tomy for £16.99 so i showed him it while we was at argo and we got it there and then.

trouble is she dont like it dunno if were/im doing it wrong. hv said to try her around teh house and to keep at it :)

think mrs tomorrow or someone made a topic about slings or i was dreaming :lol:
i still havn't got the hand of putting alice on my back in my mei tai on my own, but i can put her on my front on my own.
I have a Kari me wrap around sling and its great. I practised putting it on when i was pregnant so that one baby arrived i was an expert! now i can get it on and get baby in it in no time! and he loves it, falls asleep right away. I really recommend it! x

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