silly cat


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2011
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sorry seem to be only moaning these past few days. this ones about my cat. love her to bits but recently shes doing my head in. shes constantly following me around like a lost puppy, she walks all over me climbing right upto my face which she never did before (doesnt help that ive been allergic to her the past 3/4 years) and today she locked herself in my room and decided to pee on a pile of clothes i was gonna give to my mum to give away to her mate. i am so fuming. just wondering what else could go wrong this week...
yeah thats what my mum was saying but now starting to get a lil worried. what if she does something to the baby, or sneaks into my room and does something to the cot. have to wait for my oh to come back from work and take a look round my room, also i need to get a proper door handle cos its broken and she knows she can just sneak in x
My cat is the same. She has suddenly got really greedy with her food and demanding. Whenever i'm sitting down she has to sit on me, she no longer wants to sleep on her bed and i have to keep pushing her off.

Don't get me wrong i love cuddles but it's all the time.

It does make you wonder what they can sense, do they really know your pregnant?
oh i think they do if not they sense something. it must be the hormones? cats are really clever. about a month before my dad died my cat sat in front of him and just stared for about 5 mins. she wouldnt stop looking at him. she wouldnt go near him even when he called her. even me and my mum tried getting her attention. then 2 weeks later my dad went into hospital and never came back. then a few year ago a family friend of ours was staying with us whilst she was selling her house, a few years after that she got leaukemia, then on the day she died about the same time my cat let out the loudest strangest meaow we ever heard from her. the next morning we got the call that our friend passed away. cats are freaky x
Has she been neutered? When my friend was pregnant with her first her cat kept peeing everywhere that smelled of her, clothes, bed the lot, it was like she was claiming my friend as hers and not the baby's. She'd also just sit and stare at her belly even before she was showing. Cats are a bit freaky sometimes. You want to try having house rabbits though, Parsley won't talk to me now and has gotten jealous and Basil digs around the part of the sofa I'm sitting on lol xxxxxxxx (the hamster is completely indifferent)
yeah when she was 1. she had a litter of kitten and we gave them away and a few weeks after she had a mc so we got her done. wow is it one of those gynormous ones? (mind the spelling) they have one in pets at home and its so cute aww and sounds like you have a laid back hamster lol x
Nooooo lol, didn't fancy receiving a kick off one of them. Ours are Lionheads, part angora, they are intelligent, vain and hilarious. They weren't meant to be house rabbits but Parsley kept trying to kill next doors cat so we brought them indoors lol xxxxxxxxxxx

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