Silent reflux or milk problems? Symptom list


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2014
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I'm going a bit bananas. Bubba was prescribed Gaviscon last week for possible reflux which hasn't made a jot of difference. I was told to go back in a few of weeks if no difference - but I'm really not willing to wait that long and continue trying something that obviously isn't working.

I think it's either reflux or some kind of milk sensitivity (both me and her dad had to be dairy free when young, don't know if it's hereditary). I'm leaning towards a milk issue, as the only real symptom of reflux is her hatred of laying flat.

- Stopping breathing when feeding
- Crying whilst being fed
- Choking
- Frequent hiccups (at least once after every feed)
- Sneezing throughout the day
- Constant fidgeting - arms and legs all over the place, always unsettled
- Windy (difficult to burp though)
- Scrunching up
- Dislike of laying flat

Can anyone relate to any of these?
I'm temped to just go out and buy some dairy free milk or reflux milk and try it (but neither are recommended without GP approval and anti-reflux milk causes constipation which we've just got over!).

It's a pain in the neck getting a GP appointment (I've been taken off their system due to moving house and not being in the area, and have to re-register, long story).
They can check for reflux checking the Ph of the breath. We were exact same and everything was a reason to vomit especially after a late hidden burp and for long he couldn't tolerate cheese in stuff, yoghurts ect. He does now a bit to a certain extend. You can try the soy one and f it doesn't work you could ask prescription milk through docs. I'd advice to seek a referral to a paed instead of going through gp considering they're proper useless in wanting to diagnose with proper testing and are eager to just prescribe what you ask for. Health visitors do more easily refer as they can do it too! X

Jackson had silent reflux we were prescribed gaviscon for that but didn't use it as I read so many constipation stories and there was a manufacturer problem for a while so we did without.

Jackson didn't vomit he mainly was always just super unsettled then over feeding as he was in agony but then it got worse. We ended up on 5oz every 3hr which is fine every now and then but of course throughout the day it added up then he would get constipated.

We changed his milk to stage 1 cow and gate rather than the sma gold and started stretching his feeds and offering cool boiled water in between to help stall and help the constipation and it worked eventually.

I know your circumstances are different with bfing mind you...

It could be a mixture of any... the gaviscon might be constipating her, how are are nappies and do you notice how long after each feed she is becoming particularly unsettled? If it's a wee while after it might be the bowels.

Not really sure on milk allergies as we didn't have that but just wanted to share my experience on it.

Both gp and hv were useless and disagreed with each other. If you can't get a decent answer from either I'd take her to a&e if a paediatric might see her or give a better diagnosis?

Good luck. A grumpy baby isn't fun for anyone.

Hi my daughter had both reflux and dairy allergy. We first tried gavisvon but she was so constipated she screamed more, she then got put on ranitidine and after a trip to a&e on to nutramigen, she was a different child after New formula. So was sick after all feeds before diagnosis, bad ecsthma(sp?), really unsettled, really hard to burp, loads a poop, at least 10 a day and eventually wouldn't take boob or bottle. Keep going to doctors and push. Good luck
My SIL had terrible problems with her baby and all of this, and took her to see a cranial osteopath and swears blind she was a different baby after seeing him - maybe find one? I have one ready for when the baby is born! I am going to see him along with the baby after I deliver xx
She's been awake since 4.30am, its now 10pm... Took her back to the doctors. Nothing wrong with her apparently, talk to the health visitor.
I don't know what to do, finding it very difficult to cope with.
Reflux is a common symptom of milk protein allergy/intolerance. DD had MPI and silent reflux. It took me a while to work out about the silent reflux because she didn't often spit up milk but her breath often smelled of sour milk and she didn't like being put down to sleep. She had the last 4 symptoms you mention in droves. Other than being generally unsettleed and demanding her biggest symptoms were dificulty putting on weight and funny looking poo with mucus in it. I was BFing and decided to dairy free diet myself. I knew I was on to something when she woke up in the cot beside our bed on the 3rd day and lay there smiling and cooing at me. Its funny you should mention hiccups because she seemed to have constant hiccups from the day she was born. A few days after starting my dairy free diet they stopped. I wouldn't say she turned into an easy baby and it didn't cure all her symptoms 100% but there was a big difference. Are you bottle feeding or BFing?

DS had problems with choking during feeding. Eventually we got his tongue and lip snipped which helped by about 30% I'd say. The doc who did it said he seemed to have problems either coordinating his muscles for sucking and swollowing. Which can be related to tongue/lip tie but could be a separate issue.
If your not happy with her, take her to A&E and get a paediatrician to look at her and diagnose.

Jackson had hiccups from tiny too. He had hiccups inside me and they carried on when he came out :lol:

Hope you get some help.

My daughter is cmpa and it took me 12 months to get her diagnosed unfortunately. Her symptoms were reflux, eczema, slow growth, wheezy chest, runny nose, and lots of crying episodes. We were on a preemie milk due to her being premature which is broken down more than normal formula so this held us back as her reactions were mild to it. It really kicked in when we tried her with whole milk and she had a really bad reaction by this time she was 12 months old so we just put her dairy free and kept visiting the Dr's and ringing health visitor until they would refer us to a dietician who looked at her history and diagnosed her with cows milk protein allergy. Ring your health visitor and tell her how much she us suffering they can refer you to a dietician. A gp can refer you to a pediatrician if you ask if fact if you request they now have to refer you. Have a look on the cmpa website I found it extremely helpful. My little girl is a different child now she's dairy free.
She reacted like this after a bottle one night at 4 months old.
Kitty, how you doing? We took Amelia back to docs on Tuesday and got prescribed infant gaviscon but have seen no improvement for the silent reflux The health visitor came yesterday and she said that she doesn't think she has reflux, more a cows milk intollerance/allergy or lactose intollerance and told me to go back to the docs if gaviscon isn't working and to insist on a prescription for dairy free milk, we have an appointment this afternoon and am going to push for this and a referral to the hospital. She now weighs 8lb 10oz, so she's put on 8oz in two weeks. She suffers from hiccups, sneezing, snotty nose, dry skin, crying when feeding, farts a lot but struggles to get wind up, hates been laid down, legs and arms everywhere.

I am am breaking point and was in tears with the health visitor, other half has been very supportive but he's at work during the day. I sound like a neurotic mother but something isn't right and at this rate I will be going back to A&E.
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We literally are the same scaredmummy.
I had health visitor today who luckily saw how awful bubba can be when feeding - she called the doctors for me and insisted there is something not right and it's not just me being a worried first time mum.
She's been prescribed something else for silent reflux now, so we'll see how that goes - if no improvement I'll be pushing for a dietician or milk alternative. Both me and her dad had milk intolerance when small, Im not sure if it's hereditary?

My husband is also at work and doesn't see what she's really like. By the time he gets home at 10pm she's worn herself out and will sleep for the few hours he has her.

Please keep me updated xx
Hi we were told it can be hereditary, we are pretty sure my OH had it when he was a baby both the dairy allergy and reflux as his mum said he was always crying and sick but by one year old he was much better. We were told if we have a second child we have an 80% chance of dairy allergy, I'm not worried as now I know what the signs are and I'll push hard. My lg got diagnosed at 7 weeks and I definitely won't be leaving it that long, but I didn't have a clue with her being my first. Sounds like the hv is on your side that's a massive step forwards, hope your referral comes soon but if your lo really struggles go to a&e as they will get a paediatric doctor to give a check over.
I will add to my post that my daughter was diagnosed with reflux initially at 3 months old and we had gaviscon and that didn't help and then we were prescribed renitidine with eased the reflux but she was still very uncomfortable. You really have to insist on being referred or being prescribed dairy free formula. Xxx
My friend bfs she has 3 girls who have all had allergies to practically everything. She now lives on potatoes and chicken because anything she eats upsets their milk.

I believe she also had allergies or has them so it can be heritable.

I'm losing my patience, and the will to live.
Today she has had 5oz all day, because she just won't feed. As soon as the bottle touches her mouth she cries, like she expects it to be painful.

This evening I was on the brink of just leaving her on the sofa to scream and running out of the house. What else can I do? The ranitidine obviously isn't doing anything either
So sorry hun. Is there someone who can look after her for a couple of hrs while you have a sleep or get out of the house? It sounds like you need a break. DD was a demanding baby. I found even 30mins to take a hot bath made me feel much more human.

It seems worth to push to try a different milk for allergies. If you can't get it prescribed you could always buy a tin as a trial. It is expensive but at least you could find out if it will work without waiting for the doctor. If you google CMPA I am sure you will find more advice about different formulas available.
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You can buy sma soya which is slightly cheaper to buy of you think it's just dairy she's got an allergy too. It's so hard though I totally understand. Lily's baby days have been a complete nightmare at times. I have felt exactly as you have felt. It's gotten easier since going dairy free although there's been occasions where she has had reactions but overall it's much better than it was. Try joining cmpa babies on Facebook it's so helpful xxx
Hi if she's hardly had anything all day I'd call 111 they might suggest taking her into a&e as dehydration is still a worry. Everything u have said about her symptoms just sounds like my lg, best thing I did was a&e within hours she was on prescription formula and happy. Or take her bk to the doctors tomorrow first thing. Hope you can get to the bottom of it soon x
It's been the same today... I'm going to buy her the SMA soya tomorrow, and husband is going to call the doctors and insist on an appointment asap as well. Today has been terrible
Gp's are totally useless when it comes to nutritional issues. I'd go to the paediatrician. You can go through hospital or ring health visitor to sort you an appointment. Health visitors are fab for referrals.


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