

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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What kind of signs and symptoms did you experience before labour and how long after you got them did you go into labour?
54 hours before the birth: dull faint heavy feeling like very very mild period pain, also a feeling of intuition, i felt like i "just knew" things would start soon

45 hours before the birth: "effacing pains" (mild irregular contractions)

28 hours before the birth: felt very very emotional

18 hours before the birth: contractions started

8 hours before the birth: bleeding (show)

5 hours before the birth: was sick

those were my symptoms! i think all women are very different tho! :hug:
Yeah, im not expecting to see any patterns, im mostly just nosey :lol:
4-7 days before i went into labour with all mine, i went on a cleaning spree, i couldnt stop cleaning.
11.30pm: had my show and my tummy ache started.

12.00 midnight: contractions had started.

6.43am: he was born

so i had no signs that things were happening really!!
i never had that nesting instinct thing-
i was looking forward to it but nope it never happened!
erm i had a show after my sweep and then lots of period pains
and mild contractions that came and left for days- but the day before i gave birth i was getting pains where i just knew this was it and they were different from the other contractions i'd been having.
For about a week before I had constant low dull backache and period pains. Could not get comfortable any way, and spent most of the time standing or leaning over our breakfast bar rocking side to side! I also had quite strong braxton hicks to the point I thought my labour was starting a couple of times but then they would go as quick as they had come. I knew it wouldn't be far away and for about 24 hours before it started I was really niggly and constantly pooing! TMI! My labour continued much the same way, all the pain was in my back so I spent most of it on all fours or standing leaning over something to get the weight off my back. I was sick and lost my waters about 5 hours before giving birth. I think all the standing and rocking helped with the labour though, he came down quite quickly!
With Jess and Aimee I had no signs at all.
With Nathan I had a show about a week before he was born, waters broke about 20 hours before he was born. Thats about it really.
No signs whatsoever, I really believed he would be late :lol: The first sign was I had my show and contractions started :D
Its really reassuring that some people just start full labour out of the blue

Great thread! :D
I had the baby on a Tuesday but the Thursday before I had serious discharge! I was leaking "mucus plug" like a tap!

The day before (although I didn't realise I was in early labour!) I had a niggly backache in my lower back.

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