Signs of approaching labor


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2008
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Signs That Baby Is Coming!Just when you think you can't possibly get any bigger and you'll never get off the couch without a crane, you may experience the following symptoms that let you know the time is near. Note that these symptoms don't occur in any particular order, and several may occur within the same day or a few days of each other.

  • An increase in vaginal discharge, possibly brownish or pinkish in color.
  • "Engagement," or the sensation of the baby dropping lower into your pelvic cavity.
  • Braxton Hicks contractions or "practice" contractions that feel like a tightening or hardening of the uterus with possible mild cramps.
  • Slight weight loss.
  • Dull pain low in your back that comes and goes.
  • Loose and frequent bowel movements with cramping.
  • Sensation of building pressure or cramping in your pelvic/rectal area.
  • A feeling of restlessness/increased energy, or marked sense of fatigue.
  • Softening, thinning, or dilation of cervix (as shown by doctor's internal exam).
Ohh I'll look out for those signs, got a bit to go first though haha! Best of luck for your labour with your baby :) I was going to go and have some hypno birthing classes but they were going to cost 250 quid!! Money I defo cannot afford, so I'm just gonna get as much info and practice as I can so thanks again for sharing this xx
oooh thanks for this. i have been getting the backache, discharge,pressure down there, and bh for the last few days and babys head is engaged. interesting.

guarenteed i go over my due date though. xxx
Well I can tick all of those apart from the last one and maybe the weight loss. I don't weigh myself so I don't know. I don't have much hope of labour being imminent though - I reckon I will be overdue.

I can tick 4 off of that list, especially the cramping when I need to do a no.2! Flippin hurts! x
I had nausea and vomiting b4 I went into labour,apparently it can happen 48 hours b4 labour starts-I had it on Thursday,went into labour Saturday-exactly 48 hours later!! Xx
Oh that's not a nice symptom! I really hate being sick! I am worried that the gas and air or the pain will make me sick in labour!

me to flopsy. being sick is the worst. hope im not but guarenteed i am cos havent had any sickness the whole pregnancy. xxx
That was lucky! I suffered morning sickness up to 14/15 weeks!

I'm dreading being sick in labour too! I'm the worst person to deal with when i'm sick and I know i'll start panicking too! If the gas & air even makes me a little bit nauseous I can seriously see myself going without! lol x
I can tick most of them... weird because lately when i have been going for a number 2 i have been cramping alot and getting pains in my back! Was even complaining to OH about it and he got excited and asked if i was going into labour lol. xxx
I can tick all but 3 off them that cant be a good sign hmmm
Hope all you ladies due soon have a great labor
i could probably tick two of them. hopefully i will be ablr to get more in the next week though.
I can tick most of them... weird because lately when i have been going for a number 2 i have been cramping alot and getting pains in my back! Was even complaining to OH about it and he got excited and asked if i was going into labour lol. xxx

I'm exactly the same as you! Do the back pains feel like someone's squeezing your spine?

Wouldn't it be funny if we both gave birth on the same day after all! :lol: x
Oh that's not a nice symptom! I really hate being sick! I am worried that the gas and air or the pain will make me sick in labour!

I just thougt I'd let you know that this happened to me and I was given an injestion to stop the nausea , the the gas just made me insane :shock: . My OH still laugs about what I was saying to him
I can tick most of them... weird because lately when i have been going for a number 2 i have been cramping alot and getting pains in my back! Was even complaining to OH about it and he got excited and asked if i was going into labour lol. xxx

I'm exactly the same as you! Do the back pains feel like someone's squeezing your spine?

Wouldn't it be funny if we both gave birth on the same day after all! :lol: x

Haha, would be weird if we did! Yeah it does sort of but its hard to explain the pain... like quite bad cramping and yeah like someone is crushing my spine, also have got it in my hips when i go to the toilet aswell. I am knicker watching like mad. Wish something would happen. xxx
pmsl at knicker watching. like being back in ttc all this symptom spotting. xx
Oh yes definitely lol!
I think we should write our labour signs on this thread lol! If Nadine doesn't mind as it is her thread :)
I have just been on my birthing ball for half an hour and got alot of (TMI) sticky discharge stuff after! Come on baby Lacey... i need you out lol. xxx
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