

Well-Known Member
May 25, 2013
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My sickness has come back ever since this hot weather! Anyone else?!xxx
Mine is yet to go away!! But definitely feeling worse with the warmer weather, mainly headaches which then make me feel sick... X
I was sick for the first time yesterday morning! Had to swerve the car over on my way to work! My mum was hysterical laughing at me! x
I still feel sick most days :( I'm trying to wear really loose clothes and drink lots. Yuck :(
Yes I feel terrible and really light headed xx
Thanks ladies! Finding it a struggle in this hot weather!!:p xxx
owe its horrible isnt it! i have been so sick the last four days and completly exhausted because of it to the point iv been off work :( which im finding worse as i like to take my mind of the nausia but its too much to handle, went in for one day but i was constantly in the loo and not consentrating on my work at all. I feel so bad being off work.

Sickness is the worse thing ever though isnt it, just cant seem to shake it off, i was hoping in the next few weeks that it would calm down, but noticed your 15 weeks pregnant and still feeling sick...oh no x
Haha it does calm down!!! But everyone now and then you still have those days and this hot weather doesn't help at all! :p
Honestly it's awful though, I'm always sick first thing in the morning when my tummy is empty and nothing comes out! So I'm just sat there heaving! It's awful! Tmi sorry :p xx
owe i hope so bbee! i just get so bord couped up doing nothing. ah Heaving is awful sometimes i just wish something would come up in those situations as i think maybe it will make me feel better. Im have a bad gag reflex so once i heave i cant stop! hey it will all be worth it in the end though x
Aw yea it will :) !
just wish I could enjoy this hot weather, instead of over heating and bringing most things up again :( xx
I have been feeling a bit sick on and off which i havent had for ages but mainly just really woosy and dizzy, if i move around or look up and down too fast i feel really faint xx
I've had headaches all week.. Which is making me feel sick. Oh the joys :).

As long as everything is bumping along nicely, I can put up with it. Pma girls.

My sickness stopped at 13 weeks, then randomly this week i puked 3 mornings in a row. Not convinced its heat related as it doesn't seem that warm to me - i love the heat!

I puked all over myself in the car weds am - that really sucked. No warning and was on a roundabout - bad combination!!! Couldn't turn round either as would have ended up horribly late for work. Washed my dress in the loos but it stunk all day. It was not my best day this week :wall2:
Flisstsebs that also happened to me... Was on the motorway heading home from work and the sickness struck... Couldn't do anything so it went all over me. Poor old hubby ended up cleaning up my car when he got home from work! Such a glamorous job being pregnant! Xx
Flisstsebs that also happened to me... Was on the motorway heading home from work and the sickness struck... Couldn't do anything so it went all over me. Poor old hubby ended up cleaning up my car when he got home from work! Such a glamorous job being pregnant! Xx

Urg! Horrible for you, but also nice to know its not just me. I'd taken my "emergency puking bowl" out of the car the week before :wall2:.
Mine stopped at 16.5 weeks this time, ive had one pregnancy stop at 15 and three stop at 20 weeks, but its just not nice.

Maybee because of the heat you were drinking mire or less than before? Dehydration or sloppy liquids jumping about in belly wont help much for nausea

Hope it was a one/two off type incident for you

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