Sickness :-(


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2010
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The morning sickness has kicked in :-( but it's lasting a good wee while! Yesterday I had it as soon as i woke up, and it lasted to around lunch time, I have it just now :-( it's so bad, I'm burping and everytime i do i feel like i'm going to be sick! I've had it since i woke up as well.

Really want to go home :-( and snuggle up in bed..

Awww your poor thing, i never got it so i don't know what its like but i can imagine its awful...not long left of it hun just a few week maybe xxx
I think I'm just starting to get it. The smell of Roast Chicken made me nearly sick last night and this morning i keep having the feeling I'm going to be sick and have a constant headache!! x
I really hope so, I have to get up early for work, and when I do I feel horrible, I feel like I'm on the edge of being sick :-(. Been drinking loads of water just now, even thats making me feel sick! And eating healthy...urghhh not going down into my tummy well! Can't wait for the sickness to go away like. Also when i found out i was pregnant I quit smoking, its been hard, but thought of hurting our wee baba is a good enough reason to quit for me.. yesterday i walked past someone smoking outside and i almost spewed at the smell, eeeeek!! Hope you are well hun. Xxx
I know how you feel jacki! Last night we had a chicken pasta bake - which i normally love! But I couldn't finish it, i was forcing myself to eat the last half on my plate. :-(

Also have a big craving for junk food! Seems to be quite common xx
Ginger biscuits work - have a packet beside your bed and nibble on one before you even get out of bed! Hope it does not last too long....
It's been the same for me, except it starts about eleven o clock and lasts till I go to bed, I really don't fancy anything healthy and I'm also burping all the time lol. It's really awful, I just need to sit or lay all the time, can't face cooking or doing housework at all, it's hard enough getting through the day at work. Can't wait for it to pass x
I know toni I can't wait for it to pass either! The burping is really horrible! I don't really fancy anything healthy either, I'm trying to eat some healthy stuff though every day. I totally just feel like staying cosy in bed being looked after by oh :-) hehe. Xxx
I've got it already and only 3 weeks pregnant!! So I'm expecting the worst.

I get evening sickness, heartburn and nausea, but havent actually wanted to be sick yet.

I'm having lemon and ginger tea, which helps.

Hope it doesn't get too bad for you starfish and the sickness just settles down :-)
Got sickness the now :-( that's why I'm up early and can't fall back asleep booo! Totally ruins the start of my day, though I'm kinda glad it starts to go away about 1-3pm. Wouldn't like to have it in the evenings!
Ginger biscuits and lemon and ginger tea..might look at this! Thanks girls xxx
Hun, poor you, had the same myself but only lasted 3 weeks thankfully and constantly eating helped with crystalised ginger.... Also like you had alot of wind, became a standing joke at work lol doesn't last forever though and not long till you'll be in tri 2 when it should subside x
Mine kicked in at week 7 - it eased off on Saturday and Sunday and came back Monday, just in time for school! Funny that isn't it? Ha ha! It's been really bad today since I got up this morning - it's now 4:30pm and there's no sign of it going away :( Hope it doesn't last too long!
I hope it doesnt last long either :-( it seems to be really bad in the morning, wear off at about 1pm-ish, but then I have noticed things are making me get the boke now too, last night we had lasagna for tea...i LOVE lasagna. I ate about half (if that!) and then i tried to have one more fork full, and i boked!! :-( OH was worried about me, bless! Xxx

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