Sickness is back! Bad times


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2011
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I can't believe it! This week, I've been feeling so sick again and really suffering with morning sickness. I can't believe how rubbish it is to et it back at 15 weeks! Has this happened to anyone else? Xxx
when did it disappear for you? mine started to ease up (nausea not actually being sick mind you) from 11-12 weeks but it did pop back up over the next couple weeks. I'm 19weeks now and i'd say it's gone now, but if I get too hungry it can start to come back until i eat!

We're all different of course but the fact that it went away at all for you is a good sign that it will disappear completely! I often think that baby is doing some extra growing and maybe a rush of hormones when I feel ill - ish.

mine hasnt ever gone away so i cant really help. i do feel a little less like death today and have managed to eat a few things but i started the day off by throwing up bile....
Oh Bev, you poor thing! I really hope it goes for you soon. I hated feeling icky!! Really hated it, felt quite down about it!
in a strange way i can deal quite well actually, i used to be bulemic so its not as horrifying for me as others lol. and i know how much i need to force myself to eat despite feeling like im full or queasy so i cope relatively well.
thatnks for the sympathy :)
Mine went at about 13 weeks, I was sick at 14 weeks 3 days but as this was my CVS day, I presumed that was nerves! This week I have been sick so often though. It's definitely morning sickness style. Bile etc...
I like the idea that it's because bubba is growing. I'll keep that thought strong at the moment!
Hope you are all ok! Xxxx
I am sooo pregnant ... Ive just posted the wrong thing in the wrong part. Looking forward to getting my brain back. xxx
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