sick little princess can anyone help please


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Jan 21, 2009
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I am just wondering if anyone can give me some advice I have seen 2 doctors an no luck!
My little girl is covered in a red blotchy rash started on her stomachan spread up then down, she is being sick of her feeds and has a really painful scream (she isnt really a crier usually). The doctors just keep saying it viral an give her calpol but it isnt helping her any, on both visits I was told bring her back in 2 days if no better.
Does anybody have any idea what it could be or anything I could give her to try an ease her discomfort she is 6 months old.

Many thanks in advance :wall:
sorry, no advice on what it could be (no help i know) but it doesnt sound too clever either way... my doctors are totally useless too and if i was as worried as you seem to be i would take her to local a&e,
hope shes feeling better soon xxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aw its awful when they are ill :hug:

Maia was quite ill just after Christmas very sleepy, not eating much but still taking milk, crying and whimpering and would only settle on me. I gave her calpol which settled her for an hour or so then I gave her ibuprofen which she seemed to be much better on, so I alternated between that and calpol giving one every 2 hours, her temp came down and after a few days she perked up again. Then she came out in a rash which was much worse when she was warm. The dr just said it was a reaction to a virus and nothing to worry about.

Maybe try alternating with calpol & ibuprofen?
Just thought I'd better add that NHS Direct told me not to give Nurofen if they have an upset tummy as it is a gut irritant.

Try and get some water into her.

Have you tried ringing NHS Direct? I always find them so helpful. :hug: :hug:

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