Sick... but not caused by baby for once!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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I suffer from depression, social anxiety and post traumatic stress. When I found out I was pregnant I stopped all my medications, with the advice and guidance of my psychiatrist. For months I felt fantastic but over the last month the familiar feelings returned so my psychiatrist put me back on the anti-depressants. I've been sick since I started, which is normal, but I am fed up being sick all the time! Severe morning sickness 6 times a day for 5 months, then that damn stomach bug sickness and now this sickness. Makes me wonder if I will ever not be sick during this pregnancy?! :lol: Anyone else just feel like a bag of puke?
you poor poor poor lass

i hate being sick,i get v distressed.

was sick for 17 weeks at start and it came back in the last tri but only for a couple of weeks....

gosh, hope it passes for you hun....and hope your anxiety does not return.

I used to have panic attacks and depression and had a few really bad weeks at start of pregnancy, it was awful
Ginnymarie said:
i hate being sick,i get v distressed.

I was the same! I'd actually have panic attacks while being sick but since being pregnant I've sort of learned to deal with it now... I've had no option!

I see your 5 days overdue!! You must be getting restless now! Hope it kicks in for you soon! :hug:
I am a recovered bulimic and self harmer. Being pregnant has at times brought back a lot of the old feelings. Even feeling like I am a bulimic again when I had nausea and was sick! Have had times when feeling really rough in pregnancy has made me feel like self harming. But have thought of my son and bubs and not done it.

I was honest about my history in my notes too....So, the docs mention it now and again. But am generally recovered

I have started having morning sickness again. Nothing like what you are having though :hug: :hug: :hug:

I really hope it gets better for you soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
hey hun,
yeh i'm a whole bag of sick.
i keep throwing up 6 hours after i eat out. i'm allergic to something but i dont know what...
also i get anxiety attacks that make me throw up too.
i was so lucky and didnt get much morning sickness... but as pregnancy goes on, i'm more and more anxious... so more and more sick.
it sucks.
fuffins1981 said:
I was honest about my history in my notes too....So, the docs mention it now and again. But am generally recovered

I could never have mentioned that, i have a fear that if i tell them they'll just use it against me, thats why i always get slightly nervous when i have my BP taken and have to get my arms out, i have a few nasty scars on the tops of my arms that to me are obvious, but i guess to others arnt. It's also been a long long time since i cut myself now.

And pregnancy seems to have done wonders for getting me to eat 3 meals a day too lol. I still have the odd day where i'll just snack on the odd thing and miss meals but i always feel really bad for it.
I should have written that better. Was honest about bulimia and depression...As Bulimia made my digestive system a little better and depression can come back pre and post nantal. Did not mention the self harming. I too was worried they may use this against me. For some reason, it is the one thing I am the most ashamed of. maybe its because I had 10 months of counselling with builimia and only about a month to get over self harming.
I'm glad im not the only person it worries, im not quite sure why it is either but i'd hate to have to tell them, i started at 13 and only really stopped at 17, i never had any councelling and mainly hid it as much as possible, though when it was at its worst was when i was eating funny (i woudlnt call it an eating disorder as such) and going to the gym everyday to loose weight.

:hug: I'm so glad its not a problem for me anymore but like you i have to admit to times where i contemplate it, but i just think about "tally" and know i cant
abcd1234 said:
I could never have mentioned that, i have a fear that if i tell them they'll just use it against me, thats why i always get slightly nervous when i have my BP taken and have to get my arms out, i have a few nasty scars on the tops of my arms that to me are obvious, but i guess to others arnt. It's also been a long long time since i cut myself now.

I have 138 scars on my left arm. Majority of them are thin scars but still obvious. I was honest about my self harming but I made the point that it has been over a year since I last done it so they knew I wasn't still doing it. I was scared they would think I was a fruitloop and take the baby away from me the second she was born but it has been the opposite. I've found the community midwife to be very supportive.
Well done for admitting it. It is lovely that your midwife has been supportive.

I am scared of stigma. When I was at uni, they nearly stopped me going on placement because I had been a bulimic two years ago. I had to really fight. Since then, I get a little scared.

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