Sick baby - advice needed!


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2010
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After smugly posted that Eva is not a sicky baby I have now been corrected by fate :-(

Eva is poorly.

In the last two hours, she has projectile vomited all of her milk all over me and the sofa. She has slept pretty much solidly since 12pm apart from 2 attempts at feeding at 3pm and 4pm when she didn't feed very well. She looks rather pale but she doesn't have a temperature. She is making moaning sounds when awake, not a happy bunny really.

I'm worried about dehydration. I will make up a bottle of sterile water to give her if she refuses milk. Is there anything else I can do? Will calpol help even tho she doesn't have a temp?

Thanks muchly
I'd def give her calpol and water. I'm struggling with a poorly Seb atm so I feel your pain :-( really hope she feels better soon. If it continues then I'd get her to the gp x x
hey hows eva today?? josh has been really ill for the last day. hes full on projectile vmited after nearly every feed, we gave him a bit of solid as we thought it might be easier for him to keep down, nope, he screams when he takes milk. His poop has pinky stuff in it (and he hasnt eaten anything pink) he sleeps all the time. I have had t pick him up from nursery as he full on violently projectile vomited. Again slightly pale, no temp and generally ok in himself. Really worried, and the internet is a horrinble place to look! x
hes barely had anything and is ahrdly weeing and hardly pooing. I say hardly Josh used to ahe a poo 3 times a day all before 12, (tmi but full nappies) and now he has a little one whenever....
Eva had diarrhoea last night - god that was nasty! The smell! She has improved a bit today no sick and poo is back to normal. But she is still not quite herself and not feeding much and sleeping lots. She's not in the mood to stay awake and play like she normally does. Hope she will be better tomorrow.

Squeakz, you are in York? So am I! It's probably a bug doing the rounds oop north! Hope ur little man gets better soon.
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eek where in york? crazy small world! yeah apparently there was a bug at his nursery but we went to the drs yesterday and apparently his symptoms were close to some scary illness thing so spent a couple of hours in hospital where they could keep an eye on him. But he's fine! well.....hes still sicky and sleepy etc but its nothing more than gastro-something or other.........Hope they get better soon, its horrible when they are poorly! x
I'm in heworth. Eva is better today but she has poo'd so much today it's ridiculous! Since she hasn't been feeding much over the last 2 days I have no idea where all the poo has come from! Lol!

Glad that ur lad is getting better now. I don't like it when little ones are poorly, since there is little I can do to make them feel better :-(
Ah we're in tang hall atm!! Well we thought he were getting better but he keeps brinign food up all the time. He's not weed properly in a couple of days either... Muh... He'll be fine just difficult to watch tbh. Just given him calpol which has come straight up!!

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