Imogen is not very well - any advice for us?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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Hi All

Our poor baby is ill. She has had diarrhoea since lunchtime on Friday and is poorly. she had a temperature on Saturday but Calpol brought it right down. She is still drinking milk, but little and often as opposed to bigger feeds less often. She won't take cooled boiled water (she's not ued to it so it must be strange for her).

She slept loads yesterday and wanted to be cuddled a lot, which of course we did. Her eyes were all sleepy looking and red yesterday and she def. was not her usual self. She has slept 12-7pm last night and night before, as well as during the day.

I am not overly worried, a friend of ours' daughter (6 months old) had a tummy bug 2 weeks ago and it lasted 3 days so I am sure there is a tummy bug going round. She still drank milk and was fine. I am keeping an eye on her temperature, offering milk every 2 hours and keeping her sore bottom clean and with barrier cream.

This morning she is actually playing! She looks brighter so I am hoping she is on the mend. She hasn't been sick at all.

Should I be doing anything else ladies? I thought if she was still suffering with diarrhoea tomorrow maybe we'd visit the docs, but I am worried I may be wasting their time as she oesn't have any signs of dehydration.

Any advice?

Awww poor toots.... I have just posted a simular thing about Ariannna - but she is being sick.

I would maybe suggest trying to give her some cooled boiled water from a teaspoon - just to help with her not dehydrating.

Everything else you are doing sounds fine... but if she is still having a runny tummy tomorrow I would call the doctor, just to put your mind at rest

Hope she gets better soon :hug:
If baby is still doing wees then they're not dehydrated but def keep an eye on the wee. If you don't get a wet nappy when you'd expect I'd ring the doctors.

I'm trying to remember how long they told me - maybe 6 hours?
She has had wet nappies, not as much as usual but def. doing wees.
I will try the water on a sppon idea. Thanks.
keep trying thw water and just her nappies when you change them. As long as their wet, then thats fine.

Im sure she will perk up soon, babies tend to get bugs every now ans gain and they clear up quick. If she gets a temp just give her some calpol and let her sleep it off - im sure she will be fine.
this sounds like the way Jack has been, its been a week now and he still is not himself.

What your doing sounds great but definitely try pushing the water.

I would call the doc, they are usually great when it comes to little ones being poorly and it may help put you at ease a bit too. It cant do any harm!
Well, after more diarrheoa, we took Imogen to the doctors and he has prescribed diarolyte only for 24 hrs, then feeds with half the powder to water and hopefully she'll be OK.

he said she is not dehydrated at all, which was a real relief. Maybe the bug was on its way out anyway, but we were getting concerned after all this is her 4th day of diarrheoa :-(

She has perked up in herself and smiles etc. and plays, but obviously it was still worrying.

She is asleep now bless her. It's so horrible seeing your LO suffer isn't it?

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