Shud have told u where i had gone ...


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2006
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SORRY, i shud have postd ths a while back, but i will not b around for a while... (sorry copied and pasted, havent got time to post proper oops !

i get a text from my Sisiter saying "whats up with nan n gramps cos dad went reli early in the morning?" I havent heard anything, so tuesday she texted me again " Grampy is very ill in hospital" So i knew who to call (no not ghost busters lmao) I called good old Uncle Tim my brother, i asked him whats the matter with Grampy?" He said "nothing why" i said to him "he is in hospital"
He said "ur joking" he couldnt belive it, our grampy had major surgery in March and had a slow but successful recovery until now.
It supprised us all he was doing very very well.
So good old Tim calld dad then texted me the ins and outs of why poor Grampy is in hospital, he had to undergo another operation, which was done wed 9th Aug. He was under from 3.20 and underanethetic for about 4 hours. Once they started the operation they could see it wasnt as straight forward as it should have been so it took 4 hours.

Since then my big bruv has called and my nan has called to say grampy only came round at half 8 and dad spoke to him and had to leave at 9pm. I am so worried for my grampy.
Grampy is in the high depency unit so not quiet intensive care, he went into intensive care after his major operation early in the year and he really hated it in there and i hated looking at him like that he wasnt grampy he was a very ill man in hospital covered in pipes, tubes and drips.
Aparently he isnt on the oxygen now, just lots of drips.
And for those who are want to kno his age he is 82 nearly 83..

Update = The hospital moved grampy to another ward, where he is in a side room after getting MRSA in 2 places of the body, and been as the medication wasnt working to keep his blood pressure up they have taken him off all the meds, leaving only one sugary drip still attached.
The docs gave us a 48 hour limit to his life, which grampy has outlived, he is such a lil fighter!
As the operatino interfierd with his intestines he couldnt eat, so he was due to gradually fade away, yesterday they managed to give him little food, slowley and carefully not to overdo it and he managed to keep it down! HE has been on drinks, he seems to be like my grampy now. I hope he prooves them wrong and is a medical miracle, but as the docs keep sayin dont get ur hopes up.
He doesnt feel any pain which is amazing so is off the painkillers!
Also i have the health visitors on my back wantein to see my children and threatening with s/services if they dont see them every other week which i think is so inconiderate from them!
Also Lil james had his cheak and doc said he has heart murma!
So when u think things cant get any worse they can major style!

Thought id let u all know.

This is a quick warning, that i may not b online for a while, i dont mean to neglect any of my friends and trust me that isnt intentional.
I have receieved some really bad and disturbing news on my poor grampy's condidion, so the next few days are critical and should somethink happen which i hope and prey it doesnt but in the event it does i sharnt be online til i feel comfortable to be.
I hope you can all sympathise with this decision, and this is an explanation that if i suddenly disappear for a few days of maybe weeks you kno tht i will be back its just a matter of time.

Everyone keep well, until then heads up keep smiling, even if we dont really want to!

:hug: aww hun, what an awful time for you :hug:

At least we know you are ok and you wont be about for a bit

Take care :hug:
I'm really sorry to hear about the awful time for you & your family.

Sending hugs :hug: & lots of best wishes

an update:
While as my grampy was given 48 hours to live, he has recovered very well, the docs even wanna send him home !! yipee !!

Something more depressing is:
my nan suffered a stroke whilst visiting him, the staff on duty refused to take nan down as "it wasnt their responsiblity"
she is now very confused and a brain scan showed it was a stroke.

they moved my grampy into a more private hospital and so therfor they are seperated from each other!

its so depressing all my day seems to be off is computer and well i stay up til 3-5 am in the mornin get up again at 8-9 for the babies, slowley i must be getting tired but i dont feel it?!

take care n e ways xx
Sorry to hear that, hope your gran recovers - probably the stress of worrying about your grampy

I am so happy to hear that your grampy is doing much better sorry about your gran.
Katrina :hug:
thanks everyone,

i made a list of the reasons why i cant go to bed til about 3-5 am every morning:

1> Worry about james breathing, and risk of cot death
2> Worry of my grampy in hospital
3> Worry of my nans condition after her stroke,
4> Money problems, daily calls from banks etc..
5> The strain of the miscarriage last may,
6> Marriage is unsteady at times
7> The MRSA my grampy has contracted, worrying about open cuts with the boys and risk of them gettin it.
8> The health visitors demanding to see us every 2 weeks or else social services will be informed
9> The social services saying the children dont socialise much
10> The worry of my car not beein on the road soon
11> The social services tell us we need a bigger house!
12> My dad, working too hard, he has a few probs of his own (something to do with his heart aswell)
13> The worry im going to loose possibly 2-3 of the people i love the most all at one time
14> When my grampy is well enough to return home, there will be no care for him

its no wonder why i cant sleep !


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