Does anyone know what barrier nursing means?


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2006
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hello :wave:
My grampy (we are not related but hes been in my life since i was born) is extremly ill in hospital, Mum went to see him today and hes fading so fast! they are hoping to move him to a hospice asap!! anyways she went yesterday and she went into his room fine, today she had to wear scrubs as they said they were barrier nursing him???? what does that mean, my mum asked the nurse who said as mum wasnt family she couldnt discuss anything with her! :( any ideas?? xxx
thanks xxx
Found this hun :hug: :hug: :hug:

The term "barrier nursing" is given to a method of nursing care that has been used for over one hundred years when caring for a patient known or thought to be suffering from a contagious disease such as open pulmonary tuberculosis. It is sometimes called "bedside isolation." As the name implies, the aim is to erect a barrier to the passage of infectious pathogenic organisms between the contagious patient and other patients and staff in the hospital, and thence to the outside world. Preferably, all contagious patients are isolated in separate rooms, but when such patients must be nursed in a ward with others, screens are placed around the bed or beds they occupy. The nurses wear gowns, masks, and sometimes rubber gloves, and they observe strict rules that minimize the risk of passing on infectious agents. All equipment and utensils used to care for the patient are immediately placed in a bowl of sterilizing solution, and attending nurses observe surgical standards of cleanliness in hand washing after they have been attending the patient. Bedding is carefully moved in order to minimize the transmission of airborne particles, such as dust or droplets that could carry contagious material, and is cleansed in special facilities that include the use of steam heat for sterilization.
so would that mean he is vunerable to infection, or he has an infection thats contagious? He has terminal lung and windpipe cancer, and the end is in sight so the nurses think :( wanted to say goodbye but if its him thats contagious (sp?) i cant risk ava getting anything! hes so ill, too ill even for a hospice at the moment :cry: xxxx
I think if he is contagious you wouldnt be allowed in :think: I dont know babes, maybe ask the nurses? Sorry he is so unwell :(
thats the thing, mums tried but they wont tell her because shes not ''family'' mum said that when she was in his room she asked for some water because he had none, and the lady who brings the water round wouldnt enter his room :think:
he does have real family but they dont seem to visit him x
Surely they wouldnt let you in if he was contagious! Just say to the nurses that you need to know if he's contagious as you dont want your daughter catching anything. I dont see how they cant tell you that, you're not asking what he's got, just if you could catch anything :hug: :hug:
hi :wave: does he have any open wounds?? sounds like he could have MRSA..i worked in a care home for years and we practiced barrier nursing for our residents who had it? xx

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