Showing already?!?!

Rosie's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Hi everyone, hope you have all had a fabulous day and been spoiled with lots of nice pressies.

My waistline has disappeared and today everyone at lunch noticed that I am looking pregnant. My MIL asked me if I had my dates wrong and if I thought perhaps I was further along than I initially thought?! I am indeed looking bigger, my tummy is rounded and NOTHING fits - I cant believe that I am looking like this at 7 weeks. Its obviously not baby but must be extra weight from somewhere and fluid. Anyone else been in this position? Im going to have to buy maternity jeans at this rate which I really dont want to do. Anyone else had to do this? Im generally not a huge person, size 14 when we started trying. :roll:
i was the same people kept asking me if i was sure there wasn t twins in there. i feel really big now and im only 16 weeks
I was struggling with trousers at 8 weeks last time....
my first pregnancy wasnt too bad but second pregnancy it wasnt exacally bump coz baby would have been too small but it was like water retension or something - i dunno i was just hug staright away not enough for stangers to ask but my fam were like omg and this time round im the same i look about 20 weeks alreadh haha!! :D
Your saw my post last week about looking rather big - well i'm in clothes a size bigger already and it is obvious!!! With the last two pregnancy i remember showing at 10 weeks but never this early! Told MIL and children today they are al really excited (well MIL after initial shock!) I don't think i can hide it much longer and i've had the twin remarks too. I hear what your saying about retention and some of is that i'm sure but i have a rather hard bump that is as big in the morning as it is in the evening!
Yeah I'm the same, I've been fighting through the last minute christmas shoppers to get myself some new clothes, Im officially out of trousers and into leggings and dress jumpers, no maternity wear yet though, I couldnt face that!
im in dresses lol good job im a dress and shoes queen lol! x x x
Phew...glad I am not the only one! I am 8 weeks pregnant and have been getting a bit annoyed the last few days that my jeans are all feeling tighter round the waise and keep telling myself I shouldn't be getting bigger yet. I think after dieting for 12 months before my wedding last August it has come as a bit of a shock that I am meant to be ok about getting bigger! seems pretty normal to feel a bit bigger now, which is good! x
i got 2 tops and a dress off ebay i have given into maternity wear hehe!! got one of the tops just before christmas x x
hey im new to the site and jsut came across your post.

Im pregnant with my first baby and i was showing from around 10 weeks. At my dating scan they gave me the 3rd June 2010, then i went to my midwife around 3 weeks ago and she told me i was big and she wud have put me 3-4 weeks infront! :eek: So im now 17 weeks and 5 days, but for all i know i could be over 20 weeks haha. my 20 weeks scan is on the 18th jan so they may re-date me then :) or i might just be carrying a lot of water!

But at 17 weeks and 4days my bump is large, hard and very round. But i love it :)
Everyone is different though arn't they? my friend is 25 weeks and still has her wash board tummy :( lol

Good luck with everything :)
i got 2 tops and a dress off ebay i have given into maternity wear hehe!! got one of the tops just before christmas x x

Be strong can resist the maternity wear a little longer! Im so grateful that leggings and dress jumpers are in fashion right now!:)

Im so excited that you were showing at 10 weeks, Im 9 weeks now and can't wait to have a bump!
I'm 7 weeks tomorrow, and although the scales say I've actually lost a few pounds (think that may be the alcohol being cut out) I definately feel I've lost my waist line slightly. Gonna take a pick tomorrow, and got one from 5 weeks, so can have a good look to see if theres any difference!
Mothercare had a pretty good sale on maternity stuff yesterday as well.
I've been feeling as though I look like a whale over the last week or so, I think it's a mix of water retention and too much xmas dinner :) When I sleep at night though, if I roll onto my stomach it feels as though I'm lying on something, surely I wouldn't be able to feel anything like that this early tho?
Im 6 weeks and my bump has appeared overnight - not only that my bum has doubled in size too!
I've been feeling as though I look like a whale over the last week or so, I think it's a mix of water retention and too much xmas dinner :) When I sleep at night though, if I roll onto my stomach it feels as though I'm lying on something, surely I wouldn't be able to feel anything like that this early tho?

I've felt like that for a while too. And when my trousers are tight its uncomfortable cos I feel like I shouldnt be squashing that area! Must be some kind of protective instinct!
Thank the lord I found this forum, especially the size threads. I am 6 weeks pregnant with my 3rd and literally out of nowhere I have lost my waist and there is defo a bump shape forming so much so that my normal jeans dont fit me anymore! Hubby looked at me yesterday and jeezed I was getting fat lol When I was 5 weeks I could pull my stomach in but not a chance nomore, think am gonna get massive and this pregnancy is gonna drag x
:wave: Hi MrsRicho. You might find it settles in a few weeks. I bloated out and then it settled at about 10 weeks then turned to a little hard lump :)
:wave: Hi MrsRicho. You might find it settles in a few weeks. I bloated out and then it settled at about 10 weeks then turned to a little hard lump :)
Am hoping so lol love been pregnant tough so not comaplining x

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