feeling fatter already...

Anne Marie

That is brilliant put, we wont look and feel like this forever. I seem to be over the sicky and exhausted stage now and I am enjoying it alot more now!!
Anna Marie

I think we can all sympathise with you there. I dont know about you but I had (what I think now) :) were rose-tinted glasses when it came to pregnancy! I imagined swanning round with a bump (and it being no problem) and working up till 37 weeks (because another girl at work did)

Little did I know that all sorts happens to your body like bleeding / threat of miscarriage, which obviously I dont need to tell you about, anemia which meant having to bring maternity leave earlier as couldnt cope with working a full day let alone anything else - this then results in even more money worries, thrush :oops:, weeing every 20 minutes including all the way through the night, seperate beds from D/H as he isn't getting any sleep, falling down stairs and doing some real damage which will affect labour etc etc and the list goes on.

But....................like you Im so excited about having my baby it makes all of the above worth it. And I feel very privilegged to be having one and dont take it for granted.

The worry never goes away though!!!! I'm 34 weeks today and saw midwife who did all the usual checks and I thought that the heartbeat sounded much slower than usual - she wasnt concernced, but because Im sitting around all day on the sick im now worrying that something is wrong - blah blah blah!!! honnestly its never-ending - my Mum tells me that she still really worries about us and we are all adults now having our own babies!

Have a word with the M/W regarding your breathlesness - it could be low iron - earlier in my pregnancy they didnt want to give me iron tablets, but I am on them now because of anemia - worth looking into. They do make you feel better. I'm on allsorts - Iron Tablets (which cause constipation!), Codiene and paracetomol painkillers (which hospital gave me week and half ago for my back - Ive only just started taking them as I was worried about the baby - but the pain is so bad I've started taking two a day - supposed to take 8 in 24 hours-but I'm not happy with that) -these also cause constipation so Im on lactulose to combat that!

The fun never ends!!!!!!!!!..............

Blimey I have waffled on! Hope I havent bored you too much :shock:

L x
It's good to laugh and these messages are certainly tickling me.
So apart from painfully sore boobs, a sense of smell that could track down a rubbish dump in far off Yemen, wonderful appetising taste in the mouth that makes everything consumed taste foul, wanting to eat a chocolate mountain or not being able to face food at all and now we have to wear bras without an underwire. Is there no end to it!!
Just kidding. I feel very pregnant today and am pleased for it. I have days where I think about arriving for the scan and there being nothing there and how I'll cope and then feeling full on pregnant.
I aint complaining.
Anna Marie - I can totally agree with what you are saying about the enjoyment part of being pregnant. I feel like I am constantly moaning about something. Either I'm tired, sick, hungry, got bachache or running to the loo. I absolutely love knowing I have a new life growing inside of me and try not to moan, but it is difficult sometimes. I'm up and down like a bloody yoyo at the minute!!!

Today I don't feel sick at all, but can't stop eating! 2 bananas, 4 rich tea biscuits and a pound of grapes before 10am! :shock: And I managed to stay up till 10pm last night. But, I've got a lovely spot on my face again!!

It does seem to get easier every day, and I keep hoping I am past the sickness phase, although that would be very early if I am. I actually have a bit of energy today as well. No idea how long this will last for though!

S - the sense of smell thing is horrid! I gave up smoking last October, and hate the smell of smoke now, but it's even worse now I'm pregnant. I work in an office with no windows, and we are packed in like sardines, and 4 out of 8 of them smoke. I dread them coming back from breaks because it turns my stomach, but can't say anything because then I would be the moaning reformed smoker!! :(

Lisa - hope your back is feeling a little better now. I did read about your fall in your other post, that must have been scary! My advise for labour would be - if in doubt, have an epidural!! :D
Tankett.. well done for giving up smoking.. you must be so pleased that you did that now you have your little bean growing in there!!! Your energy bursts maybe due to all that fruit you are eating.. great to re-vitalising you!! Especially bananas.. wish I could still stomach them.. just the thought makes me want to hurl!!

My nausea has really eased up this week.. dr told me at monday scan that it should from 11 weeks on.. so not long now for you.. unless you are having twins :wink: :wink:

The smell thing has not really affected me although if I smell fish I really do retch.. otherwise I have been ok.. my nose seems to be permanently blocked though - aparently due to progesterone etc so thats maybe why I cannot smell anything!!! :?

Yep.. spots galore again today.. poor diet probably not helping and not enough decent sunlight / fresh air.. always dark when I go out with the dog.. very depressing.

Lisa.. yes I remember your fall.. god how frightening.. but at least all is OK with bean and you can take some pain relief.. it must be quite frustrating being at home but at least you can take it easy and really relax.. I wish I didn't have to work.. even now I get to 3pm and just want to cry I feel so tired and fed up.. then I get even more tetchy!

Thanks for the tip about low iron, before I was preg i took extra iron but stopped thinking it may not be good for little Bod but I will ask her. ta.
It is a roller coaster ride thats for sure, OH always asks me when will I stop worrying. everytime we leave the hospital after our scans I feel so much better but within 2 days I am panicking again. My second m/c was at 14 weeks so maybe once I get past that point I really will feel a bit more confident.
You really sound as if you have had plenty on your plate during your pregnancy.. I don't think any of us could imagine what a journey it would be. I sat looking at my clock this morning wishing to speed time up so it was 6.15 on July 26th instead of Jan 26th!!!!

S.. you sound as if you are having totally normal pregnancy symptoms and emotions.. don't envy the smell thing.. guess Im lucky with that so far. Glad you feel pregnant.. what makes you feel it.. is it the wanting to throw up? wanting to argue with everyone? wanting to pee all the time? wanting to sleep all the time? or just all of it????!!!!! :wink:

I am still wearing my underwired bras.. I only bought 2 to fit my new size so when I feel that these maybe a bit too tight or not so comfortable I will switch to maternity ones.. yikes.. how ugly they are!!!!

Packed away even more of my size 10 & 12 clothes this morning.. wonder if I will ever see them again.. :cry: :cry: Every time I try something on in the morning I feel revolting and look like a woman who is all leg and then a barrel that starts at hips and ends at neck.. :oops: :cry:

Oh the joys of pregnancy.. yep we love it.

Hope you don't mind me butting in... had a bit of a laugh reading your posts.

Thought i'd repy about a few comments;

underwired bras - i got told it's to prevent any damage to our ducts in case we want to breast feed and also to help our breast muscle keep it's elasticity. I'm like Tankett - surgically enhanced. I sent an e-mail to my surgeon to ask his opinion.. he said to keep wearing underwires.. but i'm still not sure! when i wear an underwire i end up with really deep imprints of the bone under my breasts.. i find a really good supportive sports bra works the best... v.comfortable. Asda do really good support in blk and white for £4 - i wore them after i had my op and they where brilliant - bought a few more for now! moving into a 34E soon... me's thinks

Putting weight on.. discussed this in another topic. At the mo i've put 3lb on... i'm nearly 14 weeks so i think thats okay.. most mornings my belly is quite flat but this morning it made an appearance... finding my sz 12 jeans are still fitting but towards the end of the day i can't wait to get them off... think it might have a lot to do with sitting all day at a desk... gonna try top shops jeans - under the bump - aparently they're v.comfortable. Tankett i like the sound of those blk stretchy next pants...

Heels - i love them and i'll be wearing them till i can't fit in them any more!!! thats if my feet swell... i love my boots... feel strange if i don't wear a heel.... imight change my mind once back ache sets in and i'm struggling to walk...

Primark PJ's are the best....

Tankett, I can't imagine anything worse than having to endure smokers now you have an increased sense of smell. my colleague put her towel and swimming costume on our radiator to dry following a lunch-time swim and the smell of chlorine made me want to hurl.
But smokers that's just torture.
And people with bad breath - yuck, yuck, yuck.
So glad you're at 11 weeks Anna Marie. I too hate my figure changing but we've got to go with it don't we.
Hi...Have any of you tried the expanding panel thingy you put in your normal trousers? they sell them on ebay. You can wear your nice jeans for months longer. just put in the search..maternity clothes
also whilst your there check out some of the maternity clothes, i was worried how id afford to be comfy and semi modern thru pregnancy, i found a good package of clothes on ebay 4 pairs of trousers/cords/combats and 5 tops and som jim jams for about £25 inc delivery, they were all next/mothercare/H+M and practically brand new.
any way good luck to you all for the next few months....dont forget to enjoy it, it has flown by in a blur for me.!
just wanted to add to the extra sensitive smell stories... since we've been squashed into one room at work... i'm finding the smells repulsive.... in the morning we start off with mould... a dirty damp smell... then towards lunch time there's the different food smells wafting about... someone actually ate fish the other day!!!! by 2.30 it's body odours... this is the worst... i can smell sweat like someone has left a dirty training shoe under my nose.... i think a few people in the office need to be introduced to deodrant... after the sweat comes the bad breath... all those fishy sandwiches and onion breathes lingering.... I nearly asked to speak to the manager the other day because the smells are getting rediculous...

does any one know how long this extra senstive nose is gonna last? do you think people would be offended if i started handing out deodrant and mints at the door?

Oh Hayley, know exactly what you mean!

My boss smokes roll up ciggies and must have eaten garlic last night cause his breath was making me heave! And he was sat 15 feet away! Whenever he came over to talk to me I had to hold my breath, Horrid, isn't it?

I made the guys in my small office open the window today, even though it was freezing outside, cause the smell of what they'd have for lunch was knocking me sick. Think they hate me at the mo.......

Hoping this sniffer dog smell will fade with the nausea, which I'm hoping will be SOON!
Hayley - I miss heels I must admit! the thought of wearing them now though makes me feel ugh! It gets to a point where your feet are so swollen and achey you just want to put them up and never put shoes on again!!!! The only shoes I can wear now are loafers and trainers UGH !!!! :D

Your posts are making me laugh though girls with regards to your heighnted sense of smell. I never had that or nausea - which was a great relief - it must be terrible.

L x
In the latest issue of Prima Baby and Pregnancy, it says, "at 26 weeks your centre of gravity's changed and you'll need to protect your bump. Your joints are loosening up for birth, so you need to look after your back. Stop wearing high heels. Squat down rather than bending when you're lifting and get down on all fours for a few minutes a day to take the weight off your spine.

I am now 23+3 weeks so needless to say I am heading off into town today to look for some trendy 'ish' flat shoes that can be worn with my jeans and dressy trousers. I have put my many pairs of stilettos back in their boxes till after the birth :(


Well if it is any consolation i have been in maternity clothes since just after xmas ... and i feel soooo much more comfy :)

www.BloomingMarvellous.co.uk (Think thats the link) got the best pair of dungarees and some fab black trousers!!!

Got maternity tops for a £5 each in dotty P's and im wearing them all the time too!!!

Mothercare is also great i got jeans from there for £20! and also my bras..

The woman who measured me said wearing underwire bras is a no no whilst pregnant... breast feeding or not so i got into there bras and there quite comfy too :D

Take care girls ...

Love Imi + Bean
He he!!!

I am totally the same with the smells. It is driving me up the wall. Does anybody know if it does subside??

bought my first maturnity pants yesterday. They're still quite big but so much more comfortable.. I got a sz 12 but they are much bigger than a standard sz 12... i find i'm pulling them up all the time when i stand up after sitting for a while. Wore a pair last nite - went out for a meal with DH and they felt like heaven... my stomach expanded due to the spegetti carbonna and garlic bread i'd eaten and i still felt comfortable....

I got a pair of jeans with ribbed w/b from top shop in the sale £20 instead of £40....

and a pair of combats from H & M for £20... the maturnity pants in H & m are brilliant... never really liked the cut of their clothes - they never hung correctly on me but i was amazed with their maturnity pants....


When you say H and M maternity 'pants' do you mean knickers or trousers? I remember from my days in Liverpool endless confusion over what 'pants' were!

Am after some trousers smart enough to wear for work and CHEAP! Haven't tried H and M as yet.
sorry - i mean trousers.. i forget i'm chatting to people from all over... H&M do some nice smart plain black trousers for about £20... they have an elasticated waistband...

I'm after some plain fitted t'shirts... crew neck, short sleeve and fitted. I've spent so much money lately on fitted t'shirts but once i've worn and washed them they don't seem long enough... Most maturnity t'shirts that i've found are mock wrap over... i just want a plain, crew neck (round) with short sleeves and fitted.... any ideas?

My Next Catalogue arrived on Friday.. I haven't dare open it yet!!!!

After my NT scan tomorrow - if all is well I will open it and splurge!! I am going to visit my parents this w/e so I may get my mum to come shopping with me.. she would love it although she will just tell me I look fat in everything as she has all my life so far even though I have never been bigger than a size 12 ever!!!!! Oh the joys of being a mum!!

Can't wait to try H&M.. I saw their range at Xmas but chickened out of buying anything.. must buy some maternity bras and some flat shoes too so if you find any nice ones Lindsay let me know where!!!


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