Anna Marie
I think we can all sympathise with you there. I dont know about you but I had (what I think now)

were rose-tinted glasses when it came to pregnancy! I imagined swanning round with a bump (and it being no problem) and working up till 37 weeks (because another girl at work did)
Little did I know that all sorts happens to your body like bleeding / threat of miscarriage, which obviously I dont need to tell you about, anemia which meant having to bring maternity leave earlier as couldnt cope with working a full day let alone anything else - this then results in even more money worries, thrush

, weeing every 20 minutes including all the way through the night, seperate beds from D/H as he isn't getting any sleep, falling down stairs and doing some real damage which will affect labour etc etc and the list goes on. you Im so excited about having my baby it makes all of the above worth it. And I feel very privilegged to be having one and dont take it for granted.
The worry never goes away though!!!! I'm 34 weeks today and saw midwife who did all the usual checks and I thought that the heartbeat sounded much slower than usual - she wasnt concernced, but because Im sitting around all day on the sick im now worrying that something is wrong - blah blah blah!!! honnestly its never-ending - my Mum tells me that she still really worries about us and we are all adults now having our own babies!
Have a word with the M/W regarding your breathlesness - it could be low iron - earlier in my pregnancy they didnt want to give me iron tablets, but I am on them now because of anemia - worth looking into. They do make you feel better. I'm on allsorts - Iron Tablets (which cause constipation!), Codiene and paracetomol painkillers (which hospital gave me week and half ago for my back - Ive only just started taking them as I was worried about the baby - but the pain is so bad I've started taking two a day - supposed to take 8 in 24 hours-but I'm not happy with that) -these also cause constipation so Im on lactulose to combat that!
The fun never ends!!!!!!!!!..............
Blimey I have waffled on! Hope I havent bored you too much
L x