Show *update!*


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Dunno if this is in right place feel free to move if not!

My friend is nearly 37 weeks and just had a show and start of back pain. I never had any of that cos I was induced.

My question is - how many of you had a show which led to labour imminently? Or did you have to wait quite a while?

Please add your comments as usual :D

Thanks :D

** my friend had her baby on tues 4am a little girl weighing 6lb14. She ended up getting her homebirth - Im so not jealous! :shakehead: :shakehead: She is VERY cute!! **
i had a show on the morning, and labour started around 5pm ish.

good luck to your friend, hope this is it :)
I had a show on the Wed morning about 7am and started having contractions at 9:20am the next day.

Hopefully this is it for your friend and she doesn't have long to wait!
with hannah it was a couple of hours later.

with emily i had 'bits' for a few days before. But then my waters broke, and i gave birth soon after.
I had no knowledge of show as my labour was started by waters breaking...
With Lola I had a show, then my waters broke within minutes! :D Pains started 7 hours later!
I had been in labour for 24 hours when I had my show. I was in the birthing pool at the time and it was floating in the water! :puke: :rotf
My show came not long after my first contractions :)
I had a big show at 37 wks and quite a few little bits here and there afterward but still had to be induced at 40+2 :roll:
Cool nice to hear your replies, and that mostly it was the start of labour relatively soon. I tell ya, all this birthing stuff is making me mega broody!!!

The latest from my friend is that she's been sick. That's all thats new. :pray:
i had several shows over about a week, then my waters broke. but i still ended up being induced.
My show came whilst I was in established labour so can't give you any cluse to pass on to your friend.
Had my show between 4 and 5 AM, waters broke at 1 PM, was induced (due to meconium staining) at 3 PM, Caesarean at 11:34 PM.
I had my show while in labour, about half an hour later Finlay was born :D

Oh and I was sick the whole way through my labour
My show was the very first sign of labour for me with both my babies, and after having it, I gave birth within hours rather than days :cheer:

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