Having a friend at the birth?

My cousin was 'booked' for Isaac's homebirth, but as we ended in hospital she didn't attend :( I wanted her there for my OH, I wanted him to have support from someone he knew who would have his best interestes at heart, as I knew I'd be perfectly fine being occupied in labour and OH was there for me, as well as MW's.

This time around my best friend will be attending the birth and I'm very pleased about it, she shall be on video camera duty too so OH is free to be with me, but again she will help support OH should he need it. I worry more about OH than myself, its hard going is labour sometimes and although we're feeling it, its nice to know someone will be caring for him too. Plus she just had a homebirth in June, her 3rd baby, so she's practically a MW anyway :lol:
chezzabell said:
so if u ask someone make sure u dont mind her/him seeing ur mary lol

Oh god no I wouldn't care about that at all, my main issue would be if she told people all about it after, but I trust her to only give the basics if I ask her to.
I voted YES, i had my best friend at my birth with harrison as well as my mum and her best friend....lol
It was an amazing experiance and she was the biggest support i could have ever asked for.
Urchin said:
chezzabell said:
so if u ask someone make sure u dont mind her/him seeing ur mary lol

Oh god no I wouldn't care about that at all, my main issue would be if she told people all about it after, but I trust her to only give the basics if I ask her to.

yea i mean i say to people i saw things i didnt really expect to see.... i would never tell anyone about the personal things that went on.
i know my mate trusts me 100%...she is already talking about her next one :cheer: and says i'll be at that too :cheer: :cheer:

it was just amazing :cry: :D
I voted yes i would have a close friend at the birth. It would be great for someone to support both you and your OH.
I wish I could've had someone to support OH when I was giving birth , I was so worried about him driving to the other hospital when I had to be transferred from the Maternity Led Unit.
MissSara said:
I voted YES, i had my best friend at my birth with harrison as well as my mum and her best friend....lol
It was an amazing experiance and she was the biggest support i could have ever asked for.

See, the only thing I'm worried about now is that my mum will feel left out.

I don't think I could do it in front of her though!
I read somewhere that having another woman you are comfortable with you during labour is supposed to give you an easier and quicker birth! I imagine this helps even more if she has had babies herself already as she will be more intuitive to your needs and prob really help you.

Sounds good to me but I dont want anyone else except OH for our first - I might ask my sis if we get another go though as I prob wouldnt feel embarrassed with her!
i only want my OH at the birth. but if there was to be anyone else there, the only other person that i'd allow in would be my best friend. but she lives in america so it won't be happening anyway.

my MIL is desperate to be at the hospital - i've had to make it very clear that she's going to be waiting outside it!! :rotfl:
purple13 said:
i only want my OH at the birth. but if there was to be anyone else there, the only other person that i'd allow in would be my best friend. but she lives in america so it won't be happening anyway.

my MIL is desperate to be at the hospital - i've had to make it very clear that she's going to be waiting outside it!! :rotfl:

I soooo could not have my MIL there either!!!
I voted YES!! I had my mate with me when I had my son. She came to the house when I went into labour at around 4.30am and took me to the hospital at 6.30am and stayed with me all the way through. It was brilliant, we had a laugh all the way through and she said it helped her as she had never had children but watching me give birth she felt ready herself and now has a daughter! We have never mentioned the 'details' of the birth but we do talk about the experience she had.

Go for it Urchin!

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