Should I visit poorly friends?


New Member
Apr 7, 2006
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I'm 10 weeks pregnant and my partner and I are due to visit some old friends of his this weekend however we've found out their 6 month old baby and the mother have a bug, with vomiting and diarrhoea. We're due to stay over but they don't know I am pregnant. Should I be staying away from people with bugs? I don't know who to ask as no-one knows I am pregnant!
Id stay away, wont be very nice for you to catch something like that but then it would not be nice for anyone, pregnant or not. Its up to you hun, if you go you run the risk of catching it thats all :( xx
I've just had that bug CGS, and I definitely would NOT recommend it when you are pregnant.

I was throwing up from 4pm to 4.45am the following day, and ended up being 3 lb less than my pre-pregnancy weight! It's not the actual bug that's the problem, although horrid, it's the fact that you can't eat afterwards. I had it last Sunday and still can't eat a full meal.

Can't you put it off for a couple of weeks by telling them you want them to enjoy your stay as well, and not feel ill while you are there? If it's the same strain of gastric flu that I got, they are probably dreading you going anyway because they don't feel up to it.
dont go, they wouldnt want you to come if you were vomiting and diahoreing (you know what I mean). You are at a stage in the pg where its best to steer clear of things like that. They might be glad to put it off a few weeks.

Just say you have a bug too, you can hide under a duvet and relax all weekend.

Take care


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