Should I test????


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2010
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Hi everyone. I need a bit of advice or someone just to tell me to stop symptom spotting :roll:

AF is due on Saturday but I feel I have been having some symptoms i.e. feel nauseaus most of the time, an achy lower back, funny taste in my mouth also last night I had a massive go at my BF for absolutely nothing (he only said we were going to meet his friends for a drink) and I was so horrible to him - I'm never like that and he was so so shocked at my outburst. Also another big symptom for me is that the taste of wine on Friday made me feel sick (I love my wine) and I tried another on the Sat and it took me over 2 hours to finish the glass and that is so not me!!

I've just ordered some FR tests from Amazon which probably means the day they arrive so will AF !!!

Any advice people? What would you all do? x x
Hey Jacki
Everything is sounding promising hun, I have heard the FR tests are more sensitive so would pick something up otherwise if you can hold out until your AF is due & then test
Sorry not greatest advice
no thank you, it's great advice cheers chick! We've not told anyone that we're TTC so any advice is greatly received. When I was pregnant before my MC i was nauseaous all the time too and survived on ginger biscuits (which I cannot stand) so that makes me think I am. Although then I find myself thinking am I just assuming it is a symptom as I want it to be :roll: x
My fingers, toes & everything in between crossed for you
Lots of baby dust on it's way
Thanks chick, I'm crossing everything too esp my legs as I'm wanting the loo ALL the time lol x :blush:
OOh my First Response tests arrived today. I am in work and am dying to go and POAS but i'm already thinking it will be a BFN so don't want to put myself in a bad mood all day. :roll:

Maybe i should do one when i get home from work???
No - wait till FMU...... if you got a pack of 2 - do one in the morning and if its a BFN then hold off till Saturday (or if you can do better - Monday) No way I could resist the tests sitting there - go for it test!!
Thanks x I'm going to leave it until the morning I think. I got 4 FR tests from Amazon and they keep looking at me from my bag lol.

FX its a BFP it'll give me an excuse for my grumpiness this week x
If I had 4 I'd be doing 1 now !!!! So hard to resist xx
Ha ha I know - I'm trying to keep myself busy in work to take my mind off it x :)
OH MY GOD. Just got home from work and the FR tests were in my bag teasing me so i thought it'd do no harm to POAS, so i did it and then got in the shower and I came out to my test showing 2!!!!!!! lines. I'm in shock and have now convinced myself i didn't do it properly. Its a pink line a bit lighter than the control line. Could it be my BFP????? x x x
yeah im thinking it could be a bfp woop woop
but im not an expert on evaps lol
when af due??

ETA:: sorry just seen af due sat, wow hun i def think its bfp as line wil stil be faint :)
any pics?
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OMG wow wow wow - This could be the 1st BFP of the month
Defo sounds very promising hun
Sounds like a BFP!!! Im Sure it is :) Sooooo Exciting! Fx... Do another! :)
Im so excited for all the people on here I keep getting butterflies when I read your posts lol. GL hunny, I hope it was BPF x
Thanks guys. I'm going to do another tomorrow morning with FMU. I think I'm in a state of shock still as we've been trying officially for just 5 months, I assumed it would take so much longer with coming off the pill etc.

Its very exciting!!!! I'll try and get a picture on later x x
Omg honey a line is a line.....surely you were not in shower over 10 mins?? And morning pee will have higher concentrate of hormone.....I think this is it..... look forward to seeing you on the BFP section in morning!! YAY

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