Should i tell you??


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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I just wanted to run something past you and wasnt too sure...

This is a bit of an odd one once I went shopping and was watching a family, the mother was doing the shopping as normal She had a young baby (about 6-8mths) in the pusherthing and a younger child roughly about 4. The baby was crying and I looked over and realised that the older child whilst the mother was not looking was pinching the baby...

I didnt know what to think, i stood there wondering should I say something but after a while the mother comforted the young child and went on shopping furthr around the store...

A similar thing happened yesterday I was getting petrol for my car and a father had three children in the car, two older ones (between 5-7 roughly) and a young baby again early mths not newborn, the baby wasn;t crying but one of the kids was covering the babys face, i kept looking and eventually she stopped.

Im not saying I see this everday and im not judging but if it ws your baby would you want a stranger to say something to you? I know that might seem like an odd question and im thinking next time I see it and its continuing (and i can see the younger child is uncomfortable) i think I will say something but what do you think is this natural??

:? :?
hmm this is a really tricky question, but if i saw baby maybe in chance of danger then i would say some thing, but u just never know how the people will react.

but i just wouldnt be able to see a baby suffering :x
Me personally.... I would want someone to tell me if my eldest child is hurting my younger one... Kids fight, but babies who can't fight back are out of running and I would want to know, especially if it was something dangerous.

But I can see other parents not being so happy about it... :think: :think: It's very individual..
:shock: The thought of that makes me ill. I can't imagine what I'd do but I know how gutted I'd be if Jonah was doing it. And I'd definately appreciate someone telling me before it got out of hand. Imagine if you had noticed marks on your baby and thought it was the babysitter or nursery whatever?Or they covered the baby's face for just a minute too long!!!!
It would never occur to me that my child could hurt another, especially a sibling!! :shock:
Thanks again for your comments, I dont see it everyday but after seeing it a couple of times i was just so unsure what to do you know?

I don;t think the older ones mean it maybe just either a jelousy thing or something else?

I know its different but my sister used to smear my face with my dinner when I was a bub and my mum wasnt looking and it made me cry, my mum never knew and its not the same thing but you get the idea...
I would want some one to tell me if one of them was hurting Nathan while I wasn't looking. Definatly!
I feel a bit different - if a stranger came up to me and said 'your child is hurting your baby' I'd feel that they were critisizing me and be quite offended. It's a tricky one though.
shhheessh!! going to have to tell charlotte not to ever hurt it.. never even thought kids did that!..i think i would wanna know.. its probably hard to word it without upsetting the mum and making ehr feel like a shit mum..

i would prob say to the kid,,.sweety you must do that.. then say to the mum sorry.. she/he was just......and i think thats the best way to go about it.. without confronting the mum..?
yeah imunsure of how id react if someone said told me that, in a way i would be greatful that the baby was not being hurt anymore but it would also make me feel like completey shit because its in a way sort in insiuating you cant keep an eye on both kids.

My nieces and nephews were always fine togethher but i know of a woman who had a boy and a girl and the older boy was insanely jealous when the little girl was born, so much that her pushed her out of her front door and down some steps (in her buggy) when she was a few months old, she had to get a lot of stitches in her head but it could have went so horribly wrong. I think if youknow the babies safety is in dnger then definatly speak up. :D
if my child was being naughty id be annoyed for ne1 2 point it out 2 me, however if another one of my children was being hurt and i didnt kno i think id appreciate being told so i could stop it continuing. id probably be very embarrassed tho so i might not be 2 friendly 2 the person telling me still!
trixipaws said:
if my child was being naughty id be annoyed for ne1 2 point it out 2 me, however if another one of my children was being hurt and i didnt kno i think id appreciate being told so i could stop it continuing. id probably be very embarrassed tho so i might not be 2 friendly 2 the person telling me still!

Yeah same here :) I'd feel embarrased that I hadn't noticed it myself but I'd still appreciate being told.
i think i would possibly if my child was in distress or being bullied by another child of mine or anyone elses i would wanna know about it.especially if its happening in the home . cause if it happens outside then it happens in home too. i saw these 2 kids in a car yesterday one was sitting on back window it had been put down and he was messing around the other was trying to get him to get in the car. bet he got a right rollocking from his parent/s.i werent gonna hang around then lol but then some guy could of easily grabbed that boy and taken him away. they was about 8-11.
mmmmmm its a tricky others have said i suppose it all depends on things like the mums mood too...but i understand these things are hard to watch..

I was out with my little god daughter (2 1/2) and her newborn brother..they were in the twin side by side pram and i looked over to see what he was crying about and she had gripped his face so hard :o i went mad at her lol...she screams and shouts in his face and evan put a sticker in his mouth :( i think its just that shes jealous but it can be so so dangerous....

i think i would want to be told if i hadnt noticed it myslef :hug:

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