How Did You Tell.....

im just so put off from the last time, this is wot is putting me off getting pg again.
i keep telling myself its my life, my body etc, but my mother is very controlling!
It is hunny.. You are the one raising the baby, mothers have a huge impact on what we think and do so I understand where you are coming from, would you consider telling her you are trying? Or would that be even worse for you xx
i honestly couldnt have been more suprised by my parents reaction hun, there really is hope! when i was pregnant with katie, i was planning on leaving the country things were that bad, and we really werent speaking at all! so you might just get a suprise!
:roll: I still worry about telling my mum things and every time she suprises me!

Like someone said earlier- I love being the black sheep because I'm expected to make cock ups! :lol:
i have laid hints i.e. w=my son is 6, getting a big gap inbetween ages and stuff like that.

i put all my baby stuff in her attic when i was finished with it and she sold them last year to my cousin, i went mental and she said and i quote "not like your ever having anymore" that hurt a lil and i did tell her i wanted more. my other cousin had a baby a few months ago and we were all cooing over her, as u do, i said oh i want one and my mother said "u can get to fcuk"

so as you could imagine im a little nervous. my OH is saying it has nothing to do with her, its our decision, which is true.

moving to john o'groats is sounding more tempting by the day!
I didnt they just knew lol so I just agreed with them lol mine was easy but my poor dad almost got a heart attack as I just got married a month before lol
well me and my mother came to blows tonight!
my sons parents evening happened today but i was at work so my mum went (y they call it "parents evening" when its clearly not.since when was 3.10 evening?)
when i started bk at work i used to drop my son off at my mums in the mornings, who lives 8miles away from my house, i didnt wanna move schools cos it took me so long to get him settled in there, plus since my mum lives 5mins away from the school it was easier for her to get him there after school than in my town if that makes sence!?
well my mum started a new job so she couldnt take him to school anymore, only pic him up which is fine, just means i run 10mins late for my work but my work ok with this as know the changes etc.

well i think about 3x in total since new term i have been 10mins late with dropping weeman off, its just a nightmare getting him up in the morning, hes not a morning person, gettin b/fast, loaded into the car, the 8mile trip then the 10min wait in the street cos of the traffic and school buses etc.

well at this so called parents evening the teacher told my mum that him arriving that 10mins late sometimes is effecting his school work !!!

so my mother took great pleasure in telling me how much of a crap mother i am, that i need to catch a grip and leave 10mins thats easier said than done sometimes!

she doesnt seem to notice that i do all this on my own! i travel over there every morning to take him to the school she wants him to go 2 so its easier for HER! then i go to work till 6pm, (which is 14miles away from the school) pick him up then eventually go home, get homework done,bath, supper etc! i know my maths aint the greatest but thats 28miles a day just to keep a smile on her face, but im still the one in the wrong!!

she also seems to think im incapable of doing anything for him! she hands in money at the school the day b4 a fund raiser event or school trip cos thinks i will just forget, im not even getting the chance to remember!

now can you see why john o'groats sounds better day by day?? lol

sorry for the rant, but im so close to boiling point its unreal, i nearly shouted at her tonight saying who gave birth to him, me or u! but my mother has such an interfering role in my life!
My mum thinks she's Caitlyn's mum sometimes and it upsets me quite a bit. Especially when she makes out she could do a better job, which isn't true. I do remember my childhood. It wasn't the worst but I remember having to go stay with people I'd never even met because she wanted to go on the piss. :rofl:

Drives me potty! Ignore her hun. I know it's easier said than done but they only interfere because they care :roll:
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i know if i was to mention changing his school she would flip and deep down i dont wanna do that cos he is happy there.

might just say it to see her reaction and if she does flip i have a good comeback"

was good enough for her to shift me into 4 different schools, but not for me to do it. thats fair!
I think you will be surprised at the reaction this time around, as you said you have already proved you can be a great Mum once, so why should they put you down if you make the choice to have another child.

I'm sure they will be more supportive second time around, my little sis had her first at 16 and we were all quite shocked when she announced her news, my Mum was livid, then she had her second at 19 and to be honest we were all quite unsurprised when she told us as she had been dropping hints a while and she had been engaged to her new fella for 3 years. I think my Mum was fine with it too even though she did think she was still too young to have another.

If your OH and his family are all supportive I really wouldn't worry, you will have more than enough happy reactions around you to counter balance any negativity. After all, you are a big girl yourself, you're already a great Mum and have fab OH so who cares what they think!?!

C xxx
I told my mum about 5/10 minutes after I took the pregnancy test and it was positive. I don't think she believed it at first because the second line was really faint xx

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