Should I feel regular movement now?


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2012
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I am 20 weeks +1 day. I feel like I sometimes have fluttery feelings at night in my lower tummy and I thought I felt a kick 2 days ago but felt nothing for a couple of days. I don't even know for sure if it is the baby I feel.

My scan is on Thursday at 5pm and I have to go back to the midwife on Thursday morning regarding my blood pressure so I may ask her to use the heart machine which she used last time to see if she can pick up the heartbeat again. Is it normal not to be feeling regular kicks and movement? And not everyday :( xx
Yes it's normal so do no worry. I would say that I couldn't really say I had regular movements til between 23 and 24 weeks

I had a placenta that was low lying and at the front so this 'muffled' any kicks. Just enjoy them of you feel them but don't stress xc
thanks so much. i just cant wait to see the midwife and ask her to use the heart machine again. 5pm for my scan on thurs seems like forever away!! i hope everything is ok with baba xx
I worry about this too....I have felt tiny little twitches, but still not sure if it is fetal movement or not!! Best not to worry, some people dont feel anything at all until about 22 weeks. xx
the midwife has just rang and said exactly the same. she said some women havent felt anything at all by 20 weeks and not to worry. she said she will use the heart monitor on thurs and hopefully i will hear the heartbeat again and feel at ease xx
I am 23 weeks on Friday and I still don't feel regular movements:shock:

I get to the point when I get myself into such a panic and then LO kicks a few times then goes quiet.... I guess I completely depends where LO is lying as they still have enough room to move around xx
I'm 25weeks tomorrow, and it's only past couple of weeks iv really felt kicks. Iv noticed some days I feel more and they feel stronger than others. I have a Doppler and when I get a bit worried I listen to the heartbeat for a minute and when I realise where baby is it makes sence why some days have lighter kicks. So much room in there still... :) nice that your midwife will have a listen tho!x
Have you thought of investing in a Doppler for home, give you some reassurance for less than 20quid. Mines Been invaluable when I'm in a panic! x
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Have you thought of investing in a Doppler for home, give you some reassurance for less than 20quid. Mines Been invaluable when I'm in a panic! x

Agree with the Doppler thing! I only ever listen for a couple of minutes at a time, and let my boyfriend have a wee listen but just that reassurance is priceless!x
I'm not feeling anything yet but not panicking either. I am growing and still have sore boobs....surely thats a sign that everything is ok?x

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