Should i contact my doctor


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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I didn't know where to put this.

I have been feeling sick for the last 3 days - i have been extremely bloated - had loss of appetite and last night i was sick and there was blood in my vomit.

I am just wondering if i should call my doctor or will it be nothing to worry about.

Thanks :(
blood in your vomit!!! doctors for sure! ASAP
If your worried then go see him, but im sure its nothing to worry about, could be just feeling run down hun :hug:
YES! deffinately get checked out. could just be the lining of your tummy irritated by the vomiting, hense blood, but go get checked to make sure its nothing serious :hug:
just make sure it was blood.
have you drank or eaten anything red such as beetroot? blackcurrant jiuce , red wine etc. :hug: just a thought
I have not eaten anything like that. It was definetley blood - it got me quite scared. I have phoned the doctotrs and she is calling me this afternoon. It is probably nothing to worry about, but i have lost my appetite and i look 9 months pregnant i have been so bloated these last few days.
yes id see your doctor asap. somethings not right. :hug:

let us know how you get on
hope you are ok, let us know whats going on?? wont you
I wil let you all know how i get on. It could just be off my chest but i would just like to get an opinion off my doctor.

:hug: Thanks for all the replies
:hug: if your doc is too busy to see you go to A&E, you not have a cough have you?
No i have not got a cough - just feel really sick all the time.
Thanks to everyone who replied to me :hug:

The doctor said that it could just be blood vessels that have popped and they are coming up when i am being sick. She said if i am sick again and there is blood to go to doctors, if there is lots of blood to go to the hospital.

I have not been sick :puke: today so fingers crossed i will be ok

:hug: thanks :hug:
well im glad its nothing too too serious but you take care and stuff, if it is bad dont hesitate to go to hospital and stuff
:hug: :hug: :hug:

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