Should I change her milk?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005
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Aimee has never been a big eater and is still gaining weight very slowly, infact she has lost weight this week! I have been wondering if i should change her milk and maybe its the milk that the problem, she is on SMA Gold. At the minute she is only takeing 3-4oz bottles 4-5 times a day and she is 16 weeks now and just won't take anymore. She brings quite alot of the milk back up for about 2 hours after a feed. Asked to see the HV today but she can't see me till next week. Just wondering if anyone has had similar problems and can give me any advice while i'm waiting to see the HV.

Thomas is a bit the same. He only drank about 15 ounces today :( He can drink up to 7 ounces in one go sometimes but most if the time, he drinks about 3 to 4 ounces, sometimes even 2 ( like today at his 2.30 pm feed) and then went 5 hours without feeding. He is still putting on weight but very slowly although he does not look unhealthy but it is worrying when they do not eat much. He is on aptamil at the moment but bought cow and gate omneo comfort to see if that can reduce the amount of sick he is bringing up as well as the smell of it!!! Sometimes, he smells of sick so bad i have to wash him again!!!! He is also constiapted and has stomach cramps. My H?V told me with cow and gate they have looser stoolsand the omneo comfort normally reduces the amount of sick brought up. It is expensive though, more than 7 pounds a box. So i am giving it a try, I know SMA gold was the first milk i bought and he just did not want to drink it at all, so it all depends on baby :) If you do not want to waste your money buying a milk they do not accept, buy the small ready made carton at 45 p each :)
Yeah its so frustrating trying to get her to eat. The health visiter phoned me earlier and asked to keep a food diary again and bring her back on Friday. She said that we should think about changing her milk to a thicker one or maybe she has an intolrance to the SMA. She said this could also be the reason for her eczema. Don't really know which milk to try? Also we get milk tokens and don't know what milks you can use then for but at the minute i am willing to try anything.
I used cow and gate when i was in the uk im breastfeeding and bottle feeding, and found it great judging by a previous post on here a lot of people find cow and gate really good they do a normal one in a green box and also a thicker one which i think is in a blue box, my sil had my nephew on SMA and he ended up in hospital as he was throwing up after every feed.

MAnda x
give farleys a go, its a really good fomlua but often gets over look coz its cheap.

I used it on all of mine (untill ethan went on soya milk)

Coby is putting on half a pound a week with it, its worth a go
Can you get Farleys with the milk tokons does anyone know
im not sure hun, i have never had milk tokens, but if you can get other milks on them then im sure you can get farleys too
Hi Kwain

Yes you can get farleys on milk tokens a friend of mine uses it and she has milk tokens!

I had this problem with Damien, he has reflux and is always sick. He got stuck on 4-5oz bottles every 4 hours for weeks and weeks until I put him onto Cow and Gate Omneo Comfort and he is a different baby, alot happier and is sick a heck of a lot less. He takes more milk down now too and is back on the right centile line.
He was good with Farleys too but was still sick alot after feeding. It won;t hurt to try another milk, it may make Aimee's poo a bit funny for a couple of days but then it will settle. Omneo comfort makles their poo smellreally eggy though - not nice :(

Good luck!
Just to let you know that i changed Aimees milk today, i decided to put her on cow and gate and it has made a big difference already. I thought it would take days till i noticed anything but she has taken 30oz today which is way more than she has ever taken and she hasn't been sick once. She was being sick up to 50 times a day and i just couldn't take anymore. I'm just glad now that i didn't wait till Friday to see the HV. Hope she keeps it up though and its not a fluke.
Sounds like what happened with Rubie, she was sick all the time on SMA and after I put her on Cow & Gate she is sick a lot less :D

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