Adam is on SMA Gold and I was wondering what the signs are that he might need to go on to SMA White soon.
He is taking 4oz at each feed and is only managing to go 2 hours between each feed. Around 1 hour after his feed he starts moaning and becomes really restless and keeps putting his fingers in his mouth. We offer him his dummy but he just spits it out after a couple of seconds.
At what age can he go on stronger milk? And is it worth talking to my HV about it or will she say he is too young.
He is gaining weight really well, (2lb 5oz since birth) if that makes any difference.
He is taking 4oz at each feed and is only managing to go 2 hours between each feed. Around 1 hour after his feed he starts moaning and becomes really restless and keeps putting his fingers in his mouth. We offer him his dummy but he just spits it out after a couple of seconds.
At what age can he go on stronger milk? And is it worth talking to my HV about it or will she say he is too young.
He is gaining weight really well, (2lb 5oz since birth) if that makes any difference.