should i be worried?


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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Hey, Not sure if its anything to be woried about really. I felt some movement around 18 weeks but didnt know if it was definitly bub. I have not felt anything since and i'm thinking at 21 weeks i should be feeling something?? Went for my scan on wed and the sonographer was not very nice so didnt feel comfortable asking her? everything was fine at scan but should i not be feeling things by now? xxxxx
if it is your first pregnancy it may be your not recognising what your feeling as long as scan was ok relax lay down and see what you feel mine started with butterflys with my daughter and then moved on to a bubbly wind type feeling then proper kicks speak to your midwife if your in any doubt thats what they are there for
Hey Erin,
It will depend on how baby is lying too, if he/she is comfy with back facing out to your tummy you might not be feeling things so much. I've been getting kicks around different places now but sometimes it just feels like my tummy is stretching from the inside, makes me think bubs is moving about but not getting the battering I usually do. Def give your midwife a phone though, they are there to answer any questions and to reassure, and no question is a silly question!!
I know i was thinking of ringing but i imagine her saying "if all was ok at scan then it will be fine" x
Have you got an anterior placenta? That can sometimes cushion the kicks. This is my forth and i have been feeling good movements although i have an anterior placenta for about two weeks now, and can recognise babies waking patterns. There will be a time very shortly i'm sure that you will be looking forward to some peace from those kicks - especially when they are under your ribs when your trying to sleep! I'm sure you will get movement soon, still early days if it is your first x
not been told i have an anterior placenta so i guess not! Think I will give it another week or so and if i still have not felt anything will give mw a ring just to let her know of my worries. xx
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Do you have your hand held notes yet? I got mine early but I have both scan reports in them now and both say anterior placenta, not low. I asked my MW about it cause I was curious and she hadn't mentioned it and she really didn't say much else other than it poses no problems where it is. MW, Sonographers, GP's all have a funny way of making us feel really stupid! But what do they get paid for? I think it's a completely legitimate question since you felt you had been aware of some movement, and something my MW has been asking at my appointments since about 15 weeks. But every time she asks it's posed as "have you felt any movements YET?" even though it's in my notes and my previous answers have been yes.
Don't worry away, ask!!
yeah, actually your right. Its what they are there for. thanks x
my oh has an anterior placenta and the MW said it acts as a large cushion to soften the blows. my oh is 20 weeks and has felt no major movements, only quickening.
the MW is paid to answer your questions and to be your first point of call if there is any concerns. you should feel free to phone them as frequently as possible.
Hi Hun I remember been 22 weeks when I felt my boy for the very first time. I seemed to be waiting forever and ever!!! Xx

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