short thigh bone measurements - help


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Oct 29, 2014
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Because I am so petite I need to go for growth scans from 28 weeks. I had my first one 2 days ago and everything looked fine apart from the fact baby had under average femur bones. My consultant told me this was likely because he was going to small like me and not taken after my boyfriend who is 6 ft 2!

I received a call from my consultant last night asking me to go in for my next scan 3 weeks earlier as she had went and got a second opinion and they want to monitor and examine the growth of his bones. I asked what the worst case scenario could be and she said there is a very slight possibility of antropostria drawfism. Obviously myself and my boyfriend are devastated and 3 weeks seems like a lifetime to wait but I understand they need to wait this time to see how much he has grown and have measurements to compare. I was wondering if anyone had been through the same thing and if so what the outcome was?

Any help and advice would be appreciated xx
Do you know what percentile the femur legs measure?

I just wanted to share my experience as it may or may not help. I had my growth scan at 22 weeks and the baby was growing normal (cica 50%) all expect for the legs that were 35% on the growth chart. I was disapointed as I too was hoping the baby would take after my partner who is 6ft 4 and I am 5ft 2. Anyway I did some research and from 22 weeks drank half a pint of milk every day ( I read that it can add an inch and a half on to a childs height).

For other unrelated reasons last week at 35 weeks I had to have a growth scan and was soo chuffed to see babies leg measurements were now in the 65% of growth. Now it may not mean my baby will grow up tall or whether this would of happened anyway if I had not drank milk everyday, but I am taking the credit anyhow. so my advise would be drink half a pint of milk every day.

The other thing is with babies, docs do tend to edge on the side of caution more often than not so try not to worry.
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Not sure how much it helps but at 26 weeks our girl measured large but with short legs. Her legs were still within 'normal' range but her head was large and just within the normal range at the other end of the scale. It worried me a little because I know a big head and short legs can be an indicator of dwarfisim. She was born with short legs and a big head and is 1 and a half now and totally normal, though she still has short legs and a large head for her size. I am tall with long legs and so are most of the family but there is a grandmother on my side and one on OHs that was short with short legs so I think she just got those genes. This ones arms are measuring super long so looks like he might take after the other side of the family :).

Hope it all turns out fine for you. I think chances are there is nothing to worry about and they are just being cautious. Lots of people have short legs and it is just the way they are naturally, it doesn't have to mean there is something wrong.
The other thing to note is that when I voiced my concerns to my family My mum actually got out our measurments at birth (that she had kept all this time bless her) I am 5ft 2 and my sister is 5ft 9!and my sister was born with shorter legs than me (comparitive to when we were born).. I thinks its not untill the age of 2 that full height can be fully determined.
Thanks for your responses ladies, makes me feel a bit better. I can't remember what the measurements or percentages were as I was taking everything else in at that time and not concentrating!! I have my scheduled appointment with my midwife tomorrow so I'll be sure to note everything down them and I can let you know. I just wish we didn't have to wait 3 weeks until the next scan, i'm a worrier at the best of times plus I have a 2 year old already keeping me on my toes so it's hard to remain totally upbeat. Xx
Did you get a report from your growth scan with the measurements on? Occasionally they will have little graphs to the side that indicate roughly where the growth is for each part measured in relation to averages for gestation.

My son had "short legs" on my final growth scan at 36 weeks, but before that he'd been average and since birth his legs look perfectly in proportion to everything else. I'd really try not to worry - I'm sure babies have growth spurts in utero that cause different parts of them to appear bigger than others at specific points in time. I don't suppose it's any more than that xx
Hi Ella, the consultant showed me the graph appointment but she never put it in my notes so I can remember the measurements off by heart. I have my midwife tomorrow so going to make sure I get them from her. The consultant seemed quite concerned at how short they were but im hoping he's just taking after me and is just going to be short! X
My boy had little legs while in my tummy, and he still does at 2 and a half, but he has a longer body so is still quite tall for his age. Infact, we just measured him today and he was 96cms at 2 yrs 5 months today!
My little ones legs were on the 25th centile, head on the 50th and abdomen on 75th at my 20 week scan! Hubby congratulated me on cooking a short fat baby!! She ended up coming out at over he 99th centile for height with really long legs and a skinny tummy!!! Most of the time the measurements catch up!
Just checked my U/S notes and at 21 weeks ... my little man measurements are ..

HC 186 mm ( 48th %)
AC 153 mm ( 33rd % )
Femur FL 32 mm (10th %)
est fetal weight 12ozs ( 17th % ) ..

soo basically he has short legs ... But the lady that scanned me wasnt concerned at all and Nothing mentioned about follow up appointments... i guess every baby grows diff rates .. Plus long bodies and short legs Run in both mine and hubbies families soo im not too bothered ..

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