Bump measurements vs Scan?


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2005
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I have gestational diabetes and had a further growth scan on Monday which showed that little ones head and abdomen are still measuring about 3 weeks larger than my dates (currently 33 weeks and scan measurements 35/36 weeks) yet when the midwives measure my bump with a tape measure its perfect for 33 weeks.
I dont understand why my bump wouldnt be bigger?
Can't help much but didn't want to read and run, my bump was only measuring 29 weeks at 33 weeks and according to scan LO is measuring on the small side for 31weeks so am in a similar boat as you, I've got another scan on monday with a consultant appointment after so I'll probably ask how it can be happening.

Am a little worried that LO hasn't grown much again this time and I'll be told I need a section, as that is why the consultant wants to see me after the scan and discuss whats happening, my youngest wasn't growing properly and he ended up being delivered at 34week because his growth wasn't right.
I don't trust the measurements with the tape measure! It was saying I was 5 weeks behind growth with the tape yet charley was born 8 days early and 8lb 6oz's so no way small!! The scan should be more accurate!
I was measuring three weeks behind at 27 weeks , and only showing as 24 weeks by bump size, had a scan and Devon was spot on! But he did have a 31 week head!! (that's 4 weeks ahead), so I think they really can't count all ladies measurements by tape measure, we are all different inside and all get smaller or bigger in pregancy. The scan should give you a better measurement than you tum length but even so I think they still are only making an educated guess hun , good luck for you scan , it will be lovely to see your baby again X
It might also be depending on how much fluid is in there to or whether it is all baby cause at 20 weeks I had almost no fluid but it has picked up now and I have the "normal" amount of fluid and you can see the difference in the size of my bump, on the scans I am measuring that the baby is 27 weeks in size and my bump measurements is 28 weeks but I am MUCH bigger this time than I was when I was pregnant last time xx
It might also be depending on how much fluid is in there to or whether it is all baby cause at 20 weeks I had almost no fluid but it has picked up now and I have the "normal" amount of fluid and you can see the difference in the size of my bump, on the scans I am measuring that the baby is 27 weeks in size and my bump measurements is 28 weeks but I am MUCH bigger this time than I was when I was pregnant last time xx

Oh wow Claire - I had no idea all your fluid was back - that's great news!:dance:

good point about the fluid levels as everyone differs don't they , I forgot about that
yeah JJ how fab is that its been getting upto "normal" levels for the past month and the deepest pool on my scan on Monday was 5.2cm!!!! so yeah they said that it not all baby in there, I just looked and said its not like shes huge lol was crabbit on Monday haha

but yeah I suppose if we think about it if there isnt as much water as someone the same shape of body as you and same weeks then the size of the bump wil be diff xx
yeah JJ how fab is that its been getting upto "normal" levels for the past month and the deepest pool on my scan on Monday was 5.2cm!!!! so yeah they said that it not all baby in there, I just looked and said its not like shes huge lol was crabbit on Monday haha

but yeah I suppose if we think about it if there isnt as much water as someone the same shape of body as you and same weeks then the size of the bump wil be diff xx

Right then, I will put my order in for loads more water to arrive overnight, and then on D-day when I have Devon, I will look down at my tum, and find I only have like 2 lb to loose after as it was all water! ha ha we all wish:lol:
im measuring at 39... goin to see consultant in 2 weeks time and have been told will probs have a growth scan then... then decide if to induce me on my due date (theoretically will then be measuring 43ish) or before, eeek :-) xxx

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