Short bleed then bfp?


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2018
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Hi all, just for some background info, I came off the pill on 3rd January (no periods for 5 years!). Had my first period on 29th jan lasting for 5 days. We then tracked ovulation this month and I ovulated on either 12th or 13th feb. I then got what I thought was my period (early) on Saturday. Fairly light bleeding that lasted for 2 days. I had taken a hpt the day before which was negative.
I then thought I would start tracking ovulation again and took a test last night and it was a blazing positive. I then took a cheapie hpt and frer which to my complete shock were both positive!
I’m anxious as to why I would have bleeding. Could it be implantion bleeding? Im trying not to worry too much right now, I took a test again this evening which was positive and will take another frer in a day or two. What do you ladies think? X

Sorry the pic is sideways, I don’t know how to change it!


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omg this is similar to my story.. timings etc

Last period was 31st Jan... thought i ovulated 9 days ago (so 9 DPO today). POAS (got a FRER) and while I waiting for it, wiped etc... and saw some brown discharge...

Then I saw a line - check out my other post. Pretty good line... eek!

Congratulations... I'm desperately trying not to panic... having miscarried at 9wks last Easter... never had an implantation bleed before, mine was the smallest amount on a tissue... eek!
That's definitely two lines! Timing should be right for your implantation bleeding as well, hopefully this is your month. xx
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Could be implantation bleeding especially if tests were negative beforehand. They are really great positives so fx for you for your next testing xx
Thank you everyone! I took another frer this morning which seems about the same. The one from Tuesday night seems darker now but maybe because it’s dried, the initial pictures I took look the same as the one today. I was hoping it would be darker today but it hasn’t been 48 yet fingers crossed it will be ok. My boobs do hurt this morning so hoping that’s a good sign as this was my first symptom with my son.

Hope everything is going well for you Melanie! Xx
Thank you everyone! I took another frer this morning which seems about the same. The one from Tuesday night seems darker now but maybe because it’s dried, the initial pictures I took look the same as the one today. I was hoping it would be darker today but it hasn’t been 48 yet fingers crossed it will be ok. My boobs do hurt this morning so hoping that’s a good sign as this was my first symptom with my son.

Hope everything is going well for you Melanie! Xx

Got everything crossed for you hunni. I think each pregnancy is different, and there are no certainties. We read in to every little think, dont we.

I did a FRER this AM and thought it was lighter, so got all upset. But now - I think it may be slightly darker. But they change colour as they dry of course... sigh...

I had more blood when I wiped, seemed a little redder - but still not a lot. So today I wait... whatever will be I guess...

Keep smiling hunni - lots of love xx
Definitely yes to the reading into every little thing!
I going to just buy some more frers today I think and maybe check tomorrow or the next day. I want to just relax and stop testing, what will be will be I guess, but it’s not that easy is it haha.
Just had a look at your thread Melanie. I think as other ladies have said that today’s test does look a little darker! Like you say though, do you compare when you initially took them, or once they’ve dried? I’m not sure. I’m in the same boat with that.
Could be implantation bleeding especially if tests were negative beforehand. They are really great positives so fx for you for your next testing xx

Thanks for sharing information
Definitely yes to the reading into every little thing!
I going to just buy some more frers today I think and maybe check tomorrow or the next day. I want to just relax and stop testing, what will be will be I guess, but it’s not that easy is it haha.
Just had a look at your thread Melanie. I think as other ladies have said that today’s test does look a little darker! Like you say though, do you compare when you initially took them, or once they’ve dried? I’m not sure. I’m in the same boat with that.

I assume you read them "at the time" - say after 3 mins or whatever it is. NOT 30mins later (as it dried a little darker after 30mins)....
Yeah when I read them on the correct time frame they were definitely the same if not a tiny bit darker than the one from tuesday. I think because that one has dried over a couple of days it’s gone super dark haha. Oh god I’m definitely getting far too obsessive. It’s my husbands birthday today so going to try and relax and have a nice day instead of panicking. I’ll be following your thread Melanie to see how you’re getting on xx
Yeah when I read them on the correct time frame they were definitely the same if not a tiny bit darker than the one from tuesday. I think because that one has dried over a couple of days it’s gone super dark haha. Oh god I’m definitely getting far too obsessive. It’s my husbands birthday today so going to try and relax and have a nice day instead of panicking. I’ll be following your thread Melanie to see how you’re getting on xx

good idea - trying hard to keep busy....
Just to update and say yesterday’s line was a lot darker! So fingers crossed!


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Just to update and say yesterday’s line was a lot darker! So fingers crossed!

That's a cracking line!

I have everything crossed for one just like that in a couple of days. What DPO are you ?
Just to update and say yesterday’s line was a lot darker! So fingers crossed!

That's a cracking line!

I have everything crossed for one just like that in a couple of days. What DPO are you ?

I think I’m 18dpo now Melanie. Feeling positive despite the bleed last weekend. Although I’ve looked back and worked out, that if my cycle was going to be the same as January’s (first month coming off the pill) that would have been when my period would have been due, so thinking maybe a breakthrough bleed. The fact the line has got darker has got to be a good sign I’m thinking anyway.

Got everything crossed for you! Keep checking your thread to see how you are getting on x
Just to update and say yesterday’s line was a lot darker! So fingers crossed!

That's a cracking line!

I have everything crossed for one just like that in a couple of days. What DPO are you ?

I think I’m 18dpo now Melanie. Feeling positive despite the bleed last weekend. Although I’ve looked back and worked out, that if my cycle was going to be the same as January’s (first month coming off the pill) that would have been when my period would have been due, so thinking maybe a breakthrough bleed. The fact the line has got darker has got to be a good sign I’m thinking anyway.

Got everything crossed for you! Keep checking your thread to see how you are getting on x

I suspect everyone is fed up of me by now... but thanks....

Praying for darker lines tomorrow and monday... x
Just to update and say yesterday’s line was a lot darker! So fingers crossed!

Jeez the lines don't get much better than that! Sound like a implantation/breakthrough bleed. Fx for you but congrats xx

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