Shopping alone


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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Does any one else feel weird when shopping alone? Iv just gone in to a shop to buy some jeans and felt like a right idiot! Hate shopping on my own :wall: I dont know what it is about it but i just feel scared and upset :?
i have been told that this is a low confidence problem (low self asteem)...... aparently. i hate eating in places by myself and i was told that it was because i had no confidence and no independnece.
ill go shopping with u if u come and eat with me ..... :(
Id be honoured! :hug:

I hate that too, i just think people think im a greedy fat person 'eating again!' when im not so i dont eat out and about and when i buy food from sainsburys at dinner time i always ask for a bag so people cant see what food iv bought :oops:

I hate looking for clothes sizes, makes me feel embarest. Its so stupid! They didnt have what i wanted anyway so now i have to go to another shop after work for some so im pooping myself :doh:
I feel like this too - I hate walking through town on my own, always think people will be looking thinking ' erghh look at that fat/ugly/lonely person :puke: '

I don't care if I'm with friends or have Jack with me though it's only if I'm on my own :(
I would point the finger at you having low self esteem jenna honey and not much confisence, im not keen on going into town with my children.
I defo wont eat in a public place either.
If either of you lived near me i would go with you
i always find aswell that when im shopping on my own i run around instead of walking and miss out half my shopping. I never ever stop to look in shop windows or answer when some one shouts my name (just incase its someone i dont know and turn around like an idiot!).

Seems like a massive acheievement when i go and get everything i set out to get. :lol: Its seems so rediculas!
haha in fact I HATE it when somebody comes with me
takin me in shops i dont want to go in i feel like im wasting my time lol
I've NEVER been shopping alone. I've always taken my mum or the kids. I used to work through lunch hour when I worked in an office to avoid going out for lunch - I work from home now so I don't even have to travel to work alone.

I'm fine when I have to do things alone for business though - I don't have a problem there. OH reckons I must have a confident business personality, a confident mum / wife / daughter personality, but when it's just me, I'm lost.

We'll all be with you in spirit after work Jenna :hug:
Becksss said:
haha in fact I HATE it when somebody comes with me
takin me in shops i dont want to go in i feel like im wasting my time lol

same here lol unless we go in baby shops cos I can enjoy that too :)
I've got the same problem, except I hate going with people now, too. :doh:
Then again, the only one I can go out with is my OH, because I have no friends in Holland at all.

I feel ugly/fat/disgusting and just want to hide, when I'm out in public.
And I don't even like eating before going out, because then I feel extra "fat".

My OH doesn't know this is how I feel, though. He thinks I'm just lazy and don't like going out (because I used to, before pregnancy... I have gained at least 10 pounds since then I bet, because I had a shit diet before and half starved myself, plus I quit smoking) and I feel ballooned.

Just thinking about it makes me upset. :shock:
I like shopping on my own - I find it kinda relaxing, mind you I have moved to lots of places where I knew no-one so it was always a nice way to spend time rather than in the house alone.

I would never ever eat alone in public. I would have had a coffee when I smoked but not now.

Jenna try and enjoy pottering on your own you might be surprisd :hug:
Im like that too cos I suffer from social anxiety. I hate going anywhere alone cos I get so paranoid that everyones looking.

If I take the kids or Daniel Im fine. Only place I feel ok on my own is in the house or in the car :oops:

I know what you mean about feeling pleased when you manage to go out and do what you had to gives you a little confidence boost and a sense of satisfaction 8)
i LOVE shopping on my own!!! whenever im with my sister she wants to go in rubbish shops and im always loosing her and having to call her to see where she is! and if you want to try clothes on if i like something shell say she doesnt like it! So i like going on my own but theres only 1 place in my local town il go and eat on my own
I hate shoppin on my own.. i don't mind it bein just me and keeley but would never do it on my own i would feel as tho everyone is staring at me :(
I like shopping alone. I get to go to just the shops I like and browse without feeling stressed that someone else is bored or fed up.

I don't like eating out by myself though.
I love shopping on my own. Can't stand people trailing after me.
Happybunny said:
I don't like eating out by myself though.

It's Ok if you're getting a sandwich or something at lunch time but I wouldn't go out to a restaurant on my own!!
my sister (older) would never go to the shops unless i was with her now ive moved away she has to lol
im fine on my own or with people dont mind eitherway
manda xx
i love shopping on my own - get round quicker
no faffing about
go where you want get done and go home :D :D :D
i love it

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