Little legs is now pulling himself up on everything including the dog and I'm a bit confused about shoes. Do I get them now or wait until we actually start to walk?
I've never seen Clarks ones I'm sure they are similar, when I worked in Next Kids floor, when getting trained we were told when parents were asking advice on LO's feet to say pre-walkers until LO is scooting about, but as soon as LO is starting to stand it's a good time to get them into shoes to get their feet used to the feeling and to give their little feet support
If you want him to have them before he's walking then make sure they are a proper soft soled pre walker. Bare feet are always best as much as possible. I reluctantly got some pre walkers for Hebe this week, mostly because the padders they have as part of the nursery uniform dont go any bigger than the ones she has! She will only have them on the 2 days she's at nursery and the rest of the time she'll be bare foot till she gets walking. I have to say though they do seem to make her plant her feet better. She's not even attempting to walk yet but with the pre walkers she's kind of walked with me holding both her hands a bit more.
maddi had cruisers from clarkes when she started pulling her self and walking holding on from about 10months, it's an utterly personal choice and up to you hon
for us, i was really impressed with clarkes and loved her cruisers - they were nice and soft, perfect for when we went out and about (she didn't wear them at home) and she had them up to she was walking at a year
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