Good fitted childrens shoes.

When do babies have to start wearing hard soled shoes? Obviously I know if they go outside but I like Seren to wear the shoo shoo styles as I find they have loads of room for her feet and seem comfy to her. Just wondering.
beanie said:
When do babies have to start wearing hard soled shoes?

They never HAVE to! Like us they're fine in soft shoes/barefoot unless outside. The bones aren't fully grown until adolescence so the more time spent barefoot the better :D
Cheers for that hun. I would leave her without shoes but we have laminate floors in some parts of the house and if she is wearing tights she slips. At least I can indulge my shooshoo addiction for a long time :D
Ahhhhhhh Dionne those shoes are soo sweet! I like them! Your right though, as long as they fit right.
Charlie STILL cant ft in any Clarkes shoes :roll: But she is walking all over with her walker and walks all around the furniture too. She pulls off her socks when were out, and needed something to keep her feet warm, so i got her a little pair of size 2 Adidas, the insole comes out and it has a foot measure on the inside, hey are really soft and i only put them on when we go out. Am i bad for putting her in trainees??
I was under the impression that you should be getting their feet fitted for hard soled shoes as soon as they can walk by themselves unaided.
They are reluctant to fit for them otherwise. You can get the cruisers if they arent on their feet yet and there is a stage before that, crawlers I think.

I like them barefoot as much as possible though, as I like to be myself.
I never got shoes for my daughter until she could walk unaided and the same will happen for my son. I did get some stares and comments though with my daughter from about 10 months onwards when I took her out with just her socks on (obviously I didn't let her walk outside like this - when she was in pushchair or supermarket trolley). But I didn't care!!!

I would def recommend clarks or startright. Startright are a bit more expensive than clarks @ 5.00 more BUT we bought a pair of daughter for school in August and they still look like new!!!
Hey i took my 2 before xmas and got there feet measured at clarks lewis's feet were measured at a size 7 but thankfully thats the size shoe i had been buying for him and managed to get a nice pair for him for only 10 in there sale well what a shock i got when the lady measured frankie's feet she was a 2g and id been cramming her feet into a size 0 :oops: she ended up with a pretty pair of first crawler shoes in lilac in a size 2 1/2 f as the 2 g were to tight on her feet :shock: and what a bargain at 6!

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