Shit, shit, shit!

Caitlyns Mummy x

Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2009
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I'm allergic to loads of different kinds of nuts, and I have eczema (apparently they're related in some way.) Anyway, because of this I've been so warey letting Caitlyn have anything with nuts. She has eczema so, I'm assuming she's probably allergic to nuts too. Anyway, she was just quiet for 5 whole minutes, so I was like "what are you up to?" and she was huddled in the corner eating foreign chocolate that smells like nuts and looks like it has nuts in, that someone left out last night. Grr!

Do I panic right away? What do I wait for? What are the signs of reaction? Ahh!!
just keep an eye on her hun. make sure her breathing's ok and keep an eye out for any red splodgy bits on her skin, normally on the joints and things first. my sister's allergic to bloody everything and it normally starts out as being itchy and then splodgy bits come up!
See with me I just start being really sick and everything on my face swells up.. She seems alright so far, so fingers crossed
Right, now I'm off to google, atleast if there's peanuts in it I know she hasn't got that one of my allergies :rofl:
just keep an eye on her- have you got some piriton if she does have a slight reaction? x
Yup got some meds.. She's fine, she has a rash on her cheeks but I'm pretty sure that's just her eczema x
I'm sure she would have had a reaction by now. It would be something foreign that you can't just read the ingredients on wouldn't it?! :lol:

Glad she seems ok. Can you get her tested for nut allergy so you can at least be prepared with something to give her if she does ever have any? x
Yeah I was just saying to my mum last week I can't avoid it forever and I need to get her tested for quite a few things. Myself too actually. I know I'm allergic to a few nuts, but sometimes things without nuts give me reactions too! Meh!
Katie has a peanut allergy, she would have reacted within 5 minutes :)
I'm actually really excited that she's not allergic. Me, myself, I'm petrified of eating things "just incase" so atleast she won't have that worry!
i was going to say that, i think she would have reacted by now. just see how she goes and watch out for swollen lips and breathing etc . i have to say i was so pleased when mads wasn't allergic to nuts x
just remember, just cos they're not allergic to one kind of nuts doesnt mean they wont to another. a friend of mine is deadly allergic to peanuts, but can use peanut oil for some crazy reason!!

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