

Well-Known Member
May 31, 2005
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:x sorry, hormonal rant to follow, be warned! but actually it's quite funny..!

i went to the local deli for lunch today and they had some lovely chunky brownies on the counter so i thought what the heck - sod healthy eating for now, i'll have one of those! and guess what? the ^%$£%^&*ing lady behind the counter almost refused to sell it to me!!!!! why?

well the conversation goes something like this
WOMAN - "i'm not supposed to sell you that, it has nuts in it"
ME - "and...?"
WOMAN - "yes, because you're pregnant and you're not supposed to have nuts"

so i launched into this long speech about how nuts are perfectly fine in pregnancy and as long as there's no history of allergies in the family even peanuts are fine. she just stared blankly at me, and once i'd finished my rant she went "well i'm still not supposed to sell it to you" in this 'i don't really give a shit what you've just said' tone of voice.

so then hormonal me went "well i'll get my lunch elsewhere then, you can keep your toastie as well" (which was already in the grill! lol) i finally got my brownie, and a scowl from the lovely laydee (note sarcasm!) thrown in!

i'm just gigling to myself now... :D see i'm even known to have a medium steak, parma ham and runny eggs on the odd occasions as long as i know it's fresh, from a reputable source, and i've cooked it myself! i'm so naughty me.... like i was gonna have some woman tell me i couldn't have a brownie!!! lol :D
:lol: Just p****d myself laughing at that one bless ya!! :lol:

I'd have gone off at her aswell! Who gives her the bloody right to tell you what you can and can't eat! Silly bint......

Well done you for sticking up for yourself......proud of ya lass :D

(I still eat nuts too - and TBH I haven't stopped eating anything I didn't eat before except raw egg which I never ate before anyway)
(I still eat nuts too - and TBH I haven't stopped eating anything I didn't eat before except raw egg which I never ate before anyway)

i'm glad i'm not the only naughty one! :oops: the risk of getting anything nasty from food is so minimal these days with the strict food regulations that i'm carrying on as usual! (they never had all these "dont's" before!) the only thing is i don't drink any alcohol (no sacrifice really, was never much of a drinker) and i have never smoked so no probs there!

oh, did you know the background to the "don't eat liver or pate because it has too much vitamin A - thing"? they did some experiments on pregnant rats and a few of them developed problems... in any case apparently it is only excessive doses of vit A that can cause birth defects and you have to eat close to a pound of pate a day to get even anywhere near those levels (don't know about you but that sounds like a heck of a lot of pate!!) This is what my MW told me anyway, which i was relieved at because i do quite like pate on toast occasionally! lol
Obviously she has never had children or is one these totally over paranoid women! :lol: I have still eaten peanut butter when ive wanted it, so good on ya for telling her where to go!! 8)

Natalie x
vufgh weijf dogrj

(thats very well done with a mouthful of fruit and nut)

what a nosey cow! glad you stood up for yourself! I would make a point of going back tomorrow - ordering it again then calling her manager and complaining that she sould you nut produce..he he see how she likes that!!
Hi Petchy

that was so funny. good for you. who does she think that she is.

I must say that people seem to think that you can say whatever you like to a pregnant woman, which is very risky when you consider how unsettled a pregnant womans hormones are.

People think they can stroke your bump at no notice, tell you about your small bump, huge bump, just about right bump. They comment on what you eat, tell you what not to eat, encourage you to eat for two, etc etc etc and they don't even stop to think that we are even more sensitive about the way we look than normal.

How would these people react if we turned round and started stroking their tummy and made a comment on its size? They would be horrified.

Good for you for speaking up!
Good for you hun!!

I would have been exactly the same - round a friends for dinner on saturday I was tucking into satay sauce and she said the same!! I, like you am not too paranoid about what I eat during pregnancy, especially as half of the things I am not supposed to eat now were fine when I was expecting my other two!!

Glad you can have a giggle about it now - silly woman!! Go have a glass of wine and some pate on toast!!! :wink:
Sarah W Baby Belly said:
I must say that people seem to think that you can say whatever you like to a pregnant woman, which is very risky when you consider how unsettled a pregnant womans hormones are.

People think they can stroke your bump at no notice, tell you about your small bump, huge bump, just about right bump. They comment on what you eat, tell you what not to eat, encourage you to eat for two, etc etc etc and they don't even stop to think that we are even more sensitive about the way we look than normal.

How would these people react if we turned round and started stroking their tummy and made a comment on its size? They would be horrified.

This is so true - and it got to the point where I actually told a women at my friends wedding doo in the evening on Saturday to mind her own business :roll: - probably not the best timing but after so many comments you do find a snapping point. YES, I was smoking the 2nd roll up I'd had all day (I've cut down I promise) and YES I had just taken a sip of my OH's Stella to wet my mouth and didn't fancy queing at the bar again - but who gave her the right to tell me I should think about what I was putting in my body right after she had just turned round and rubbed my belly and said 'awww....aren't you small for your dates!' :evil:

Funny how it's usually women who actually say these hurtful things though? Bet they don't have kids else they would know how fragile you feel. The ones who already have kids just say congrats!!
oh, did you know the background to the "don't eat liver or pate because it has too much vitamin A - thing"? they did some experiments on pregnant rats and a few of them developed problems... in any case apparently it is only excessive doses of vit A that can cause birth defects and you have to eat close to a pound of pate a day to get even anywhere near those levels (don't know about you but that sounds like a heck of a lot of pate!!) This is what my MW told me anyway, which i was relieved at because i do quite like pate on toast occasionally! lol

I willbe showing DH this as I have been craving pate like bloody mad and he wont even let me look at it in Tesco in case it spontaneously kills the baby. :roll:
How would these people react if we turned round and started stroking their tummy and made a comment on its size?
oh i'd LOVE to do that!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

glad to see so many likeminded people in here though - so many people look at me with a look of disgust when i eat things i'm "not supposed to" have and i frequently want to rip their heads off!! lol, now that's hormone-talk!

for brekkie this morning i had 2 slices of toast with pate and beetroot, with some mayonnaise on top - proper norwegian-stylee that, before you think i'm mad! (i'm not mad, just partly foreign!!)
Actually Sami, Its normally my M.I.L who makes the comments and shes had two kids! Her heart is in the right place but she has real trouble in engaging her brain before opening her mouth.

She was very complimentary about my bump last night, but I was very bloated in the first trimester and she thought it was absolutley fine to tell that I was fat already and that I would be absolutely massive by the end.

I was absolutely livid! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Oh my god.
How rude. people should keep their opinions to them seves.
This post has made me feel more relaxed though, so thanks to you all. good to know im not the only one who hasnt given up Snickers cos it has peanuts in, or the odd glass of beer when your day has been shit. you could drive your sef mad looking at every ingrdient in every packet, could you imagine asking the average person behind the counter " excuse me...does this brownie contain nuts??" 99/100 would be " i Dunno!"
Any way well done you for sticking up for yourself. NICE ONE
MIL's!!! I think they're the worst - just as their 'related to the baby by blood' they think they can say whatever they please. I really do have to hold my tounge sometimes.

According to her it's fine to look fat in the face, ankles, etc when pregnant - I'm not supposed to look nice - just pregnant :? :shock:

Hmm....yeah right.......
good to know im not the only one who hasnt given up Snickers cos it has peanuts in, or the odd glass of beer when your day has been shit
lol, and here was me thinking you'd all shun me after you found out about the pate, runny egg yolks, parma ham, brie, peanuts and medium rare steaks i've been having! (not all in one sitting - yet!!!) i am off home now to have a medium/rare steak for dinner! :D
had an email from Dani week before last, she has just moved so maybe she has been too busy to get online?
You girls are having me in stitches here! reminds me of the time I went into gap to buy some clothes (I was only 12 weeks at the time - but it was a treat for getting that far) and the stupid old (well young) bag behind the counter said "who are they for?" and when I said me - she leaned over the counter and said to me (in front of everyone in the queue and behind the cash desk "oh your not very big "!!!!!!

At the time I nearly burst into tears but now I think when I reach 39 weeks Im going to waddle in there and say "IS THIS BIG ENOUGH FOR YOU"???!!!! :lol:

According to her it's fine to look fat in the face, ankles, etc when pregnant

I hope so my face is spherical at the moment 8)

There'd be such a fight if someone tried to stop me eating a brownie.
louise: my face has always been spherical... :shock:

ok, today i'm adding to my "arghhhhhh" from yesterday: this time i'm gonna have a rant about work. as some of you know i am a designer and we often have deadlines to meet :(

well there's this massive project that we are due to complete soon, and we (the team of 3) have been ready to start for the last 2-3 weeks, but the boss wanted to have a meeting about it before we could make a start on it. so we've been chasing him about this meeting for the last 3 weeks (you know the drill... it's been "tomorrow guys, when i have more time...." every day until yesterday) so we finally had the meeting and he proceeds to tell us we need to have everything completed by end of next week!!!!! arghhhhh! it is near impossible! so we wasted 3 weeks of time we could have worked on it just waiting for this 30 min meeting!

and my inspiration has now gone completely and all i want to do is sit on this forum all day!

do you know what? this is actually really good, i think i'm gonna add a new "arghhhhh" to this thread every day just to vent some frustration! :D

(oh and yes i did have my medium rare steak for dinner last night and it was glorious! and pate on toast this morning for brekkie! i'm such a bad mum already!)

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