questions people ALWAYS ask!!

not so much a question, and not so much now days but...

"isn't he cute", motioning towards the little girl in a pink DRESS, in a PINK buggy :wall:
" are you still breastfeeding"- I love love love saying yes, because the look on some of those old trouts' faces is absolutely priceless.

"aren't you thinking of stopping breastfeeding"
:roll: so encouraging

"how do you know she's getting enough"

I can't tell you how many times I was asked this in the early days. i told them that if god had wanted us to decide how much milk our babies got, he'd have put ounces marks on our breasts.

" What age is she?"
This one isn't so bad but then what follows.....

...."what age are YOU?"

I've started saying twelve. I can't be bothered any more
fran_23 said:
i hate people saying to Hayden as if i'm not even there
"whats that in your mouth (re dummy) you don't need that thing"

I get that too :x
I also hate it when people say 'is he good' I mean what am I suppose to say to that? I normally say well he has his up days and his down like any baby!

'Is he talking yet' He is in drags and drapes but not full on sentences and people make it seem as if he should be now.

'Whens the next one then?' 'Harrison needs a playmate' :x well if your gonna buy me a bigger place, a bigger car and pay for it then I will :lol:
zebrastripes said:
" are you still breastfeeding"- I love love love
...."what age are YOU?"

I've started saying twelve. I can't be bothered any more

:rotfl: :rotfl:
class i think ill do the same! - i dont tend to get asked, but i get looks and i can read thier minds quite clearly. Without makeup i do look about 16-17, asnd have quite recently been ID'd for cigs! (they werent for me, but for my mum!) - when your pushing a double buggie and look 16-17, the looks i get of some people on the bus! - i want to tatoo "24" on my head, as if I have to Justify Myself to these bloody do gooders! :wall: :D
rachelandjarvis said:
zebrastripes said:
" are you still breastfeeding"- I love love love
...."what age are YOU?"

I've started saying twelve. I can't be bothered any more

:rotfl: :rotfl:
class i think ill do the same! - i dont tend to get asked, but i get looks and i can read thier minds quite clearly. Without makeup i do look about 16-17, asnd have quite recently been ID'd for cigs! (they werent for me, but for my mum!) - when your pushing a double buggie and look 16-17, the looks i get of some people on the bus! - i want to tatoo "24" on my head, as if I have to Justify Myself to these bloody do gooders! :wall: :D

haha i got id' for cigs yesterday and i had my visa card in my hand to pay with- i said "so your telling me i look 15? also i am paying with my card that you have to be 18 to have,..think about it" he said very sorry mam...hehehe
My all time pet hate "is she good" - no actually she is terrible, always sitting there plotting up world domination plans and she has an asbo for offensive nappies :roll:

I had a good one today, met up with Urchin and was standing there with Cally in her sling and Riley in his pram. A lady asked me if they were twins, I replied no, that Riley was a month younger then Cally and she looked ta me strange and said "so are they both yours?" Blimey love I thought I was quick at concieving with Cally but not that fast that I had another baby a month after.
beanie said:
My all time pet hate "is she good" - no actually she is terrible, always sitting there plotting up world domination plans and she has an asbo for offensive nappies :roll:

I had a good one today, met up with Urchin and was standing there with Cally in her sling and Riley in his pram. A lady asked me if they were twins, I replied no, that Riley was a month younger then Cally and she looked ta me strange and said "so are they both yours?" Blimey love I thought I was quick at concieving with Cally but not that fast that I had another baby a month after.

haha I was about to post the "is he good" one too... nooooo he's really evil! :twisted:

My nan annoys me when we see her every Sunday.

"Are you feeding him AGAIN?"

"Yes nan"

"But you only fed him 20 mins ago"

"Yes nan, do you want to listen to him cry for the NEXT 20 minutes cos he's still hungry??!"
Squiglet said:
oooo the is it a boy or girl.... :roll: I would have thought the pink dress and frilly head band might have given it away!!???

I get this all the time because I make the mistake of NOT dressing her in pink. I had her in one of her very few pink outfits yesterday for my 6 week check at the docs and the doc said with a smile "So you had a boy then!".

Least favourite questions just now...

"Are you feeding her yourself?" to which my response is "No." The response is usually "Oh, why?". I'm beyond explaining why now and folk can think what they want!

"Is she sleeping through?" Sleeping through what?

"So when are you having the next one?" ARRGH! My bits are still healing from THIS one!
Awww... I get the "isn't HE adorable" one too - Arianna is always in her shocking pink buggy or wearing pink of some sort and with the long curly hair looks nothing like a boy!

"Are you having any more?"

"What nursery does she go to?" to which I say I am a SAHM and I get "Wow!! What does your husband do, he must make plenty money" or "Does your Dad help you out with money then?" - Feck off you nosy old cow! Just cause my Dad has his own company doesnt mean I scrounge money off him - we save and pay for everything ourselves!!

"Is she good?"

What really annoys me the most is if we are our for dinner and I'll order Arianna's food and the waiter/waitress always questions "will she eat that? We do do baby food?"
Arianna eats what we eat - not moosh!
fran_23 said:
i hate people saying to Hayden as if i'm not even there
"whats that in your mouth (re dummy) you don't need that thing"

in my head i'm like "back up nosey old fart his back teeth are cutting and if his dummy keeps him and me sane then he can have it alright?"
but i seem to come out with "yeah he's teething and then i'm getting rid of it"

Oh yes... Ive heard that one so many times, some woman in a charity shop actually took it out of LO's mouth. Lo wasn't bothered which sort of made it worse as I couldn't prove my poitnt that she needs it sometimes. But when I left I was angry with myself that I allowed a stranger to do that... must rehearse a response for the next time it may happen....
My MIL is the worst, Clark is quite forward for his age and everytime he does something new she says "I told you that you were a month ahead!" I know its not really a question but she says it everytime we see her :wall:

We also let Clark stay up quite late as OH doesn't get in until 7 and Squidge takes a late afternoon nap so he can have some quality daddy time in the evening, but I always get the "you're making a rod for your own back" comments and the "it's cruel to have him up this late" even though she turned up at 9pm to see him :think: The fact is he's the happiest baby ever, sleeps right through and has lovely long naps in the day, so obviously, I am the worst mother ever :roll:
Is she sleeping AGAIN?

(When she is having her first nap for ages and was getting really cranky)...followed by...

'no wonder she doesn't sleep through at night.'

i hate people saying to Hayden as if i'm not even there
"whats that in your mouth (re dummy) you don't need that thing"

and then they pull it out and LO who is already scared of the annoying person starts..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
this isn't really a question but its something that really bugs me-
when someone in the family has hayden for a day or overnight..when they bring him back they spend an hour telling me in detail all the stuff he does and isn't he so clever "ooh he asked to play football in the garden "ooh he said this" i know its nice they are interested in his development but they act like he's done it for the first time round there house when usually its stuff he's been saying/doing everyday for weeks with me and i don't need to hear a whole detailed story of him doing it.
they act like i don't know what my own son can say/do!
it's always OH's side that do it..

also the last week when hayden stayed with MIL for 2 days he came home and threw the ball at the cat- she chased it off and he came out with "aww trixie JESUS CHRIST"
i was shocked- they don't see to watch what they say around him at all!!
fran_23 said:
this isn't really a question but its something that really bugs me-
when someone in the family has hayden for a day or overnight..when they bring him back they spend an hour telling me in detail all the stuff he does and isn't he so clever "ooh he asked to play football in the garden "ooh he said this" i know its nice they are interested in his development but they act like he's done it for the first time round there house when usually its stuff he's been saying/doing everyday for weeks with me and i don't need to hear a whole detailed story of him doing it.
they act like i don't know what my own son can say/do!

Oooh this drives me batty!

OH is actually the worst - I'll be baby free for the first time in 10 hours and be making the tea/cleaning the floor/doing the dishes (you get the idea) and he'll be like "Ooooh, come and see what DD can do" and I'll go through and its something she's been doing for days or I've seen her do 100 x - I know he's just excited and I try to rationalise it, but I just want 5 mins to myself and then he acts like I haven't spent the past 10 months with DD 24/7!

evemarie8 said:
My MIL is the worst, Clark is quite forward for his age and everytime he does something new she says "I told you that you were a month ahead!"

What a bizarre thing to say!

Valentine Xxx
valentine said:
fran_23 said:
this isn't really a question but its something that really bugs me-
when someone in the family has hayden for a day or overnight..when they bring him back they spend an hour telling me in detail all the stuff he does and isn't he so clever "ooh he asked to play football in the garden "ooh he said this" i know its nice they are interested in his development but they act like he's done it for the first time round there house when usually its stuff he's been saying/doing everyday for weeks with me and i don't need to hear a whole detailed story of him doing it.
they act like i don't know what my own son can say/do!

Oooh this drives me batty!

OH is actually the worst - I'll be baby free for the first time in 10 hours and be making the tea/cleaning the floor/doing the dishes (you get the idea) and he'll be like "Ooooh, come and see what DD can do" and I'll go through and its something she's been doing for days or I've seen her do 100 x - I know he's just excited and I try to rationalise it, but I just want 5 mins to myself and then he acts like I haven't spent the past 10 months with DD 24/7!

evemarie8 said:
My MIL is the worst, Clark is quite forward for his age and everytime he does something new she says "I told you that you were a month ahead!"

What a bizarre thing to say!

Valentine Xxx

yeah OH does it too- esp if he gives little man a bath- hes like "quick mummy come and look at this" and its just him doing his usual "i'm swimming" routine! lol
i get ' was she premature?'

no she was 7lb 1 and she weighs almost 10lbs now, she isnt even small!!!!!!

and 'is she good'

she's a baby!!!! what is good or bad for a baby too young to know the difference?
fran_23 said:
this isn't really a question but its something that really bugs me-
when someone in the family has hayden for a day or overnight..when they bring him back they spend an hour telling me in detail all the stuff he does and isn't he so clever "ooh he asked to play football in the garden "ooh he said this" i know its nice they are interested in his development but they act like he's done it for the first time round there house when usually its stuff he's been saying/doing everyday for weeks with me and i don't need to hear a whole detailed story of him doing it.
they act like i don't know what my own son can say/do!
it's always OH's side that do it..

Haha I get this too always from OH's side, I'm fed up with hearing it now, I tend to just say 'Oh he's been doing that for ages, didn't Tim tell you?' lol :lol:

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