Shes taking her time :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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In sitting up :( .

She just doesnt have the strength in her back yet to do it, im trying everything to get her to do it, but she isnt doing it

I have the bumbo and she spends some time during the day in it but she doesnt like it as it restricts her from moving about.

She isnt very good about going on her front either and all in all is happy laying in her bouncer - but Im trying to get her to lay on the floor but shes so lazy about everything.
My DD only sat up on her own about 10 days ago - just let her do it in her own time. I thought between 5-7 months (or even later) was normal?

Valentine Xxx
Thanks Valentine, thats made me feel so much better. Im such a worry due to the fact stephen was a late developer and it was due to his autism.
Awww don't worry hun! She'll do it when she's ready :hug:

Lola has only just started to like tummy time. I got her a new play mat with stuff stuck on it and she can only play with it if she's on her tummy which is helping.
My nephew who is 1 week older than Lola has been army crawling for about 6 weeks and is really strong but my LO is no where near that her arms aren't very strong yet.

She can sit up well though but she really likes going in her bumbo i got her a play tray for it of ebay and she'll sit in it for ages with her toys on the tray. I also used to sit with her on the floor in between my legs but she prefers the bumbo :)
Jacks like this too, try not to worry. I know it's hard cos sometimes I think oooh he really should be doing it by now but he just topples over.

He goes on his front for a little while but isn't too impressed by that either :lol:

I asked HV about this and she said not to worry, she thinks it's cos he's a well built baby :rotfl: I think she was saying it's cos he is a chubby little monster.

I've been trying to get Maddison to sit too and she can do it for a little while then topples over :lol: (have actually just put a couple of pics of her sitting in Pic section). She doesnt want to roll and doesnt really like tummy time :roll: Guess she will do it all in her own time :wink: :hug:
Thanks girls, you have all made me feel better.

Il put it down to he fact shes just a lazy little bugger :D who also doesnt like rolling!!
Aww hun don't worry! I know exactly how you feel! I've spent the last year thinking 'should he be doing this by now?' Now I'm the same worrying if he should be walking! It's such a shame that it goes so fast and we spend most of it worrying!

She will do it! She will just do it when she is ready! :D :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww hun dont worry about it jayde was about 7 months when she sat up and shes nearly 11 months now and still cant crawl she will do it when ready :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
awww dont worry she'll do it when she is ready!
jayla was sitting up by her self today for a whole minute then toppled over. shes like an eel, she cant stop moving. i put her in the the cot and i caome back and she aint in the same postion i left her in.
ahhh my little lady x
hey don't get to worked up

renee sarted setting up about two weeks after she truned 6 months.

don't stress, when she ready she do it x

awww hun dont worry.. amber can sit for a few seconds on her own and has only just really started liking going on her belly -

i agree with everyone else though LO will do things when ready

Like everyone else said 'don't worry'! They all do things at there own pace. Jess sat up at 6 months, Aimee sat up at 7 and a half months and Nathan didn't sit till he was about 10 months old. In fact he started crawling at 9 months and he still couldn't sit up. Just shows how different they all are.
Ani is only just sitting up, but only if we "position" her - she cant get there by herself yet, dont worry - Imogen is just going at her own pace - she probably thinks "hey mum, whats the hurry?"

:hug: :hug: :hug:


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