
Yeh that's way the numbers on the straps are all about. If you look underneath it there are metal hooks and you slide the green straps out of them, pull them through the seat a bit more and re-hook it in number 2 slot.
Hope that makes sense.... X
WE need to move ours up as my boy is sooo tall!! Mind you he is a lump too so not sure if he has just stretched the elastic!!
We haven't got one but alice loves being in my friends one. Desperately trying to get one off eBay. I refuse to pay full price!!
Dylan loves his! I would say its our best buy to. He didn't know what to do at first but now jumps and turns around and plays. He's never in it more than 15minutes and only goes in it once a day. We got it at a good price as tried to use a 10% off voucher from mothercare but it didn't work but ordered it anyway. The next day I found another voucher with a different code with 10% off so rang them to see if I could use it or cancel that order and re-order with the code (if that makes sense). They gave me both the discounts so ended up with 20% off! Mothercare always seem to have discount vouchers so worth looking out for x
I agree with pinky - i wouldn't buy one because of that. But that being said....if someone bought us one, I would use it for a few minutes each day. I think there is only an issue if LO is like that for 15mins plus most days. Same as door bouncers. They cant be suspended by the pelvis for too long its not good - think it says that in the instructions.

I just think its a bit too much to pay for something that LO cant be in for long, does look cool tho

I am kinda torn on that front tbh, but im not sure what else to get for her. She's totally bored lying on her back on three mat, she basically wants to be sat up or standing all the time. She can pull herself up already. But she likes her legs to be kinda free - shes trying to tip herself outta her bumbo!! Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
Re the walking issue I think as the others said and restrict it you shouldn't have a problem. My lo doesn't walk on her toes and loved her jumperoo but was only in it 20 mins a day and I deffo waited fil 5 months as well.
She still uses hers at 11 months!

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