She sleeps through! she naps! Three cheers for Leorah!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
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I'm so proud of Leorah, my tiny baby is growing up! Ever since I worked out she is milk and soy protein intolerant and cut these things from my diet its been like having a new baby!

Last night she slept from 11pm until 8am! Every night this week she went for a bit longer. She obviously wanted to give mummy a Xmas pressie and decided sleep is what I needed most. She now takes regular naps of up to 2½ hours and does proper poops just once a day with no pain or mucous (sorry TMI, you get used to discussing poop when there has been a problem :lol: )

I'm so excited as my Mum, step dad and one of my brothers are in Denmark for Xmas and they will not believe how much she's grown since the birth and also what a character she is! I'm so excited this week :D
Thats fantastic news Skatty, what a brill xmas present :cheer:
Yay well done little Leorah what a clever little lady oh skatty im so pleased for u hun i bet your over the moon :hug: :hug: :hug: hug to you both
thats fantastic!! Jakob started sleeping through like that and now it has just stopped :(

can i ask you what routine you are using? i really need some tips to try and get back on track :)
Thanks everyone, its great after a stressful first few months :)

Cassi I am not using a strict routine but I do make sure I wake Leorah up at 8am if she isn't already awake because she doesn't go to bed at night until 11pm and I'm trying to bring it forward! I then feed her, then activity time (play and interaction, singing songs to her, she watches cartoons etc) then she will suddenly go from smiling to being ratty and at this point I put her in her snowsuit and into the pram and she sleeps in our conservatory which is like sleeping outside without the wind/rain. So basically its a eat, activity, sleep routine with no fixed times, she sets the pace.

Also I don't know if Jakob is in his own room but Leorah is (but right next to us). I used to get up at every sound thinking if I fed her before she really wakes up properly then she will go back down easily. This worked when she was younger but I realised the last few weeks that she wasn't really hungry so I started waiting a bit longer before going in and she always fell back to sleep. If she does wake up properly then I will of course feed her, she woke at 7am this morning ravenous! She ate, washed and played and was back in her pram sleeping within an hour! I find the more she sleeps in the day the less fussy she is in the evening.

I'm sure Jakob will get back on track if he used to sleep through, I know there will still probably be glitches with Leorah, especially with all the visitors over Xmas but I am happy I know she can do it :)
they always eat better if they are really hungry to begin with every whimper i was feeding Alfie but then its like you said, its best if they really want food. Alfie always sleeps through but las night he woke at half two laughing and sqeeling (happy) i went in put his mobile on and that was the last i heard from him untill 6 this morning, he goes up at five so sleeps 13 hrs and has been like this since he was 2 months old now. thankgod, im not a l8 sleeper anyway so 6 is perfect for me
Wow, well done Alfie, do you want to give Leorah some early bedtime tips :lol:
Skatty that is great, as you know Otis did start sleeping throught the night but like Cassi and Jakob, he's now waking again, it could be a growth spurt? Not sure will see how long he keeps this waking through the night up for - presently he is still waking two times a night :| !
Sam, Leorah was also born 3 weeks early because I had OC and was 6lbs. She's now a tubby 11lb near enough and sleeping well so Alice could be the same :)
ooo i hope so! tuesday night was fantastic! feed at 11, fell to sleep, woke at 3 for a feed, fell back to sleep - woke at 8.

last night not so good - woke at 11, 12.30, 2, 4, 7. cried through most of the night and ended up only sleeping on me. she would not sleep in her basket last night :( every time i put her in she woke up and started screaming the house down. as soon as i picked her up, she calmed down. she was just in a cuddly mood last night.

she was weighed last week and she is back to her birth weight. 6lb 2oz :dance: :cheer:

11lbs! sounds like leorah is doing fab!

did your OC symptoms go straight away? my feet have only stopped being itchy at night in the last few days.
I was lucky my itching went when I was put on Ursofalk, I'd still get itching but not unbearable.

Leorah could never settle in her moses basket either so i co slept for 6 weeks. They say babies born early that sleep on mum or dad's chest develope quicker so don't worry it wonl turn into a habit. It must be hard for them when they have been cosy inside us and are then born before they are ready.

Alice sounds like she's doing really well. She'll pile the weight on no problem I'm sure. I look at leorah now and wonder where my tiny baby has gone :lol:

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