

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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Just needed a short "rant" with those who will understand...

I feel emotional, tired and sickly!! i know it is all normal but i feel like crying at silly things on the TV!

I also keep thinking about how long it is until i find out if things are ok with the baby, in my 12 week scan! Its seems like forever and what is something is wrong, etc etc....

anyway thanks for listening :hug:
hey now you :hug: :hug:

Like you know its normal for you to feel like this believe me :hug:

Everything will be fine for your scan and bubba will be fine, worrying about it wont help you or bubba.

Now have a hot drink a hot bath and relax all will be fine hun :hug: :hug:

p.s- rant and rave on here as much as you want we are all here
thanks :hug:

i am really glad things are ok for you too x
thanks hun

now look after yourself and no worrying thats an order ok :wink:

:hug: :hug:
Hi Nikki,

I feel the same too, everything is scaring me. I work with young people in care, and young offenders, it can get a bit rough at times and its worrying me! I want a scan now! I think you can pay for an early one, just to check there is a heart beat etc, before your 12 week scan. I am seriously considering it!

But you are not alone, I keep thinking "September - thats just so far away!!!"

Piglet xx

Just thought i would give you a :hug: your scan will come before you know it and you can see that babes is alright :)
Hi Nikkif and Piglet,

I feel exactly the same as you guys. We're all at around the same stage of pregnancy. It's awful having to wait isn't it?

I worry about every little thing, and I mean everything!! I want this baby sooo much and I don't know what I'd do if anything went wrong.

We're all here for each other, so all we can do is chat and vent our frustrations.

I know what you mean abotu paying for an early scan, am seriously thinking about it, can't wait till end of Feb.

hiya nikki, i still fell really emotional alot of the time but dont just feel like cryin i end up blubbin to everythin on telly even the adverts :lol:

my husband thinks its hilarious

i'm sure everything will be fine with your scan :hug:
Thanks for your replies... i think that nausea (but not being sick) is setting in and it seems to be lasting most of the day so it just makes things hard cos you have to try and be "normal" at work!!

yes KJ it is nice that there are a few of us at a similar stage so we can help each other through it!!!

I'm right up there with you guys, it's terrifying isn't it ?? I'm really feeling the pressure (from myself) as this baby has been 4 years in the making and we so desperately have wanted it.

But hopefully in 6 weeks time, we will all be on here raving about how our little ones looked on screen.
hey nikki!
i feel exactly the same as you, cant wait to get to the 12 week mini milestone, at the moment seems ages away!
was thinking about paying for a early scan, but have decided against it at this point! i like you, feel nausea, mine seems to be almost all through the day even in the evenings, its horrible, im also tired all the time, i get to work and need a siesta about 10am! making an appointment to see the midwife at 10 weeks even then thats like 3.5 weeks away.... hopefully the time will fly!
saffy x :sleep:

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