Sharp Pains and Pressure!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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Hi ladies..

Well I'm just sitting on the sofa and I keep getting these really sharp pains in my foof/pubic bone that last about 10seconds, its happened about 4times in the past 15-20mins and they kinda hurt also I'm getting lots of pressure in my foof to...

What do you think it could be, I am off to physio on thursday to see if I got SPD? Do you think it could be related as my hips have been playing up today??

I don't have any advice hun, but I hope you are ok :hug: xx
Yer I'm ok, it justs hurts.. If it carrys on then I will just go for a bath, that normally does the trick for me!! Xx
No advice but hope the bath helps xx
i get it alot hun. midwife said it maybe to do with spd/ baby moving down. found out he is engaged today so maybe why. xx
Its certainly tender down there even when I cough or go to the toilet it feels like something is about to fall out along with sharp pains!!! Weird!! I doubt little man will be moving down yet for me as I'm only coming up to 30wks, but he is causing some sort of trouble in there!! Xx
I've been to physio for SPD and I get similar pains every now and then. Not sure if its related to the SPD or if its just baby moving, but I don't think it's anything to be too worried about xx
Thanks hun, I dunno if it related to it either but my hips were really sore last night I nearly had to crawl up the stairs as the pain in my legs/hips!back was sooo sore, and I was getting the sharp pains along with it, and trying to sleep last night I was getting the pains in my foof to, when rolling over or getting up to go do the toilet trip!! My hips are ok this morning but I've still got the pressure and pains down below and it feels horrible when I get BH at the same time! Xx
Yep, rolling over in bed is agony! I usually feel better in the morning when i've let my body have a rest, we've got a memory foam mattress which i think really helps. At least you don't have to wait too long for physio. Some exercises she told me to do help a bit :) x
I get exactly the same thing, takes your breath away for a few seconds doesnt it?! I dont think its anything to worry about x
Its certainly tender down there even when I cough or go to the toilet it feels like something is about to fall out along with sharp pains!!! Weird!! I doubt little man will be moving down yet for me as I'm only coming up to 30wks, but he is causing some sort of trouble in there!! Xx

When I had my scan yesterday the sonographer said that she's "getting ready to engage" so you never know.... Hope you're ok though :) x
Well everytine the MW checks he is always head down, and at both scans he has always been head down! So we will see what MW says on tuesday! X

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