Shall I scan before holiday?


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2013
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Hi all

So I'm 8 weeks pregnant an i go on holiday to Egypt on Thursday morning for two weeks. I only saw doc last Fri so still awaiting a call from a midwife. I have found a local baby bond have a Scan slot tomorrow. Do you think I should go for it? My hesitation is about if its bad news... What would I do as I travel early the next day?

I'd appreciate any thoughts ou have xx
Hmm, due to travelling the next day I think I would leave it until you get back!

Have a lovely holiday, relax and enjoy!

I would wait and enjoy your holiday. Egypt sounds lovely btw, I hope you have a fab time! Plenty time to worry when you get back.
Ok thanks ladies, sending myself crazy... I really have no cause for concern at the moment anyway xx
I've got a similar dilemma. I spoke to midwife about getting my 12 week scan done the day before we go to Vegas next month when i will be exactly 12 weeks. The letter arrived and they've given me a date a week early! So I'm not sure if I go with the week early scan or ring up and tell them it's too early and then possibly not get a scan date before holiday. I really want to know all ok before we leave the country. But also worried that if they can fit me in the day before we leave, what if something is wrong.

Do you think you will be able to relax on holiday not knowing?
Hi Toria111

Oh yes it's a tricky one, I think you're in a better position there because if you go a week earlier, you haven't got the pressure 1 day before you go. I'm going to leave mine, I'm 8 weeks and all fine and a bit tricky getting the time off work. So thinking positive. But if I was in your position I'd go for it, and if you can change it by a few days go for it but I'd advise against leaving it to a day before xx
Yes think I'll keep the appointment just incase they can't fit me in. If they can't get all the measurements I get another scan after holiday so can't complain. I'm so sick, so I'm sure all is ok in there's this time round.
We go every year, but going to be a bit different this time round. Can't partake in the free drinks or yummy food. And I've got visions of me spending my holiday inspecting the inside of the toilet bowls! Although I might be able to get some baby stuff shopping in.

Egypt sounds much more inviting and relaxing!
Take some diolaryte hydration powders in case because I had a dodgy belly in Egypt (Sharm) which is not uncommon. I had a fab holiday but 3 days of the runs so be prepared.
Toria111 - at least you've been before so seen it if you're sick :) will you be taking baby to Vegas next year?
Thanks glowing, I will put that on the OH' list of to do's for tomorrow :). (whilst I'm working may I add) :)
Toria111 - at least you've been before so seen it if you're sick :) will you be taking baby to Vegas next year?

Very true. We took the kids with us (4 and 7) for the first time last year, so think baby will have to wait a few years!

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