Shall I book it?

Hi hun, i will be 6week+2 tomorrow when i go for an early scan. Think that will be an internal. Its not that bad and if it means you can get to see your little baby its well worth it. Good luck, also helly tell oh to stop being so mean lol xx
My family and oh feel it's best if I don't so I'm goin to leave it! I've had my scan date, so wait for that. We have no cash this month because of the house anyway xx
Thanks hun. I just wana know but everyone thinks i should wait xx
I thought about getting an early scan for ages but in the end OH persuaded me not too. I was pretty cross with him for a while because i really wanted to check that everything was ok and see our LO but I am glad I waited, the image at 12 weeks is so clear and it really looks like a baby kicking and wriggling and everything. Also that £100 can go toward so lovely baby things instead. I did cave in a great a fetal doppler though and that £20 was money well spent, it satisfied my impatience a little bit. I hope the waiting goes quickly for you.
Thanks hun :) I decided not to go now, OH is not keen at all and I dont have a £100. When did u hear baby mustards HB?? xx
At 11 weeks as soon as I got the doppler but some girls on here heard it at 10 so that is only 3 weeks away. Good luck with staying strong I know it is hard. The other thing that persuaded me not to have an early scan was I thought it might be worse to lose a baby you have seen on a scan than one you haven't. I don't know if that is true but the scan has made it all very very real for me.
yer thats very true, im gonna be patient. good things come to those who wait!!!!!!! :) awh ur scan is so cute. I bet its really come home that ur gonna be a mummy!!
I hope the doppler helps. Hubby and I are getting really excited now, but we have had the most frustating weekend because we are desparate to tell our parents and had plans to meet up with both sets today but mine decided to go on an impromptu weekend away and OHs mum was called into work as we want to tell them in person and don't want to tell anyone else until they know we are almost bursting now with the need to tell the whole world. I'm so pleased I can chat on here or I would have exploded.
oh I know tell me about it. You have done sooooooooooo well not to tell anyone. this site is great for asking questions, as im a worrier. I have found that positive thinking goes a long way!!

I bet both ur parents will be so happy!! :)

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